chapter two

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Finney's pov

god it sounds like i don't know my own name with how i told him it, shit Gwen's waiting for me outside still.

"i-uh i have to go." i say while packing the first aid fit back in my bag.

"whatever Finney Blake" oh my god im so dead he used my full ass name, he's gonna kill me i can sense it.

"uh ya" i say quietly well grabbing my backpack and putting the straps on my shoulders.

. . .

holy shit i was sure i was gonna die back there damn, oh ya what time is it anyway.

"shit." its been twenty fucking minutes sense school has ended dads gonna be fucking pissed.

"hey Gwen sorry for being late i had to ask the teacher for Robins homework." it wasn't a complete lie just wasn't the complete truth, eh she doesn't need to know.

"ok...i guess," she said with a little bit of worry in her voice "also I'll be at Suzie's if you need me." oh ya its Friday.

" okay, I'll take care of dad tonight, so have fun" god im going to actually get the crap beat out if me by him.

"thank you Finney, love you see you tomorrow." Gwen said turning towards Suzie's house waving just a bit.

. . .

fuck if only Vance didn't take so long i wouldn't be late, this is gonna suck beyond anything.

"i can only hope he isn't home at the moment." i said in a whisper that could have been mistaken as a sigh.


life really sucks.

oh I'm already at the house, i guess i was just a little caught up in thought.

"oh shit, the doors unlocked he's home" i say slowly as i open the door at quietly as possible making sure he can't here me.

oh no.

he heard me.

"FINNEY WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU THIS LATE." he's already drunk, fucking shit.

"uh-i uhm i had to get stuff from my teachers." i say trying to not stutter... to much.

"I FUCKING DOUBT THAT, NO ONE STAYS THAT FUCKING LONG." aw shit, he's in one of his really bad moods.


"NOW I GOTTA FUCKING DISCIPLINE YOU." its not discipline, its abuse.

"I'm sorry dad im sorry it wont happen again i swear-" i try to bargain and beg him not to, even though i already know he's raising his hand that has the belt in it.


"OW IM SORRY DAD PLEASE STOP PLEASE I BEG YOU PLEASEE." I scream hoping yet knowing its going to no shit.

"I-I'm sorry." i say as i slowly blackout.

"huh" i hear my father say just faintly before getting another beer.

. . .

fuck him.

not even caring enough to stop.


"ugh" i say slowly getting up.

fuck that hurt.

i get up and on my feet, and look at the clock.

"oh shit its almost eleven pm." i say quietly, or well as quiet as i can with my injuries.

oh, he's still awake and still drinking, . . . fuck.

"huh Finney*hiccup*is that you" he said turning his head from his chair Infront of the television.

"uh- ya it is" i say quietly, he turns around and looks me dead in my eyes or well as good as it can be and says.

"get the fuck *hiccup* out of me *hiccup* god damn house *hiccup* you can't stand up for youself *hiccup* which poves you can't even be close to a *hiccup* man." slurring and mis saying his words.

"what?" i said shocked, sure he kicked me out before but that was when it wasn't pitch black outside.

"I SAID GET *HICCUP* OUT OF THIS DAMN HOUSE *HICCUP*" i drop my bag and start walking outside.

"god it's fucking cold tonight." i say to myself making my way outside. 

'should i sleep out here on the porch' i ask myself.

. . .

"no im not sleeping on the porch." i say aloud to no one particular, I'll just go to the park near by and sleep on a bench there.

its not the worse idea I've come up with, not the best one either.

ok so like it's a little bit hard to find my way around a pitch black park but i'll manage i guess-

"ow fuck" huh who said that? it sounds a little bit like

"Vance are you here?" maybe it's him, hopefully its him or else i just called out to some random person.

"who the fuck is *ow* asking" Vance replied, i guess i was right there.

"uhm it's Finney Blake from the bathroom" i replied damn that sounds weird, 'from the bathroom' wait did i just mimic myself, damn im bullying myself now.

"oh *ow* its just you, come here and help me fucker." damn still no manners.

"uh-alright" i guess i just start walking towards the source of noise aka Vance.

"uhm where are you exactly? i can't see to well right now" do i just wait for him to tell me or something?

"well no shit sherlock its fucking pitch black right now neither of us can see right now." ok so.

"are you leaning on a tree?" i say silently waiting for a response "yes i am dipshit. what else would i lean on air!?" damn rude much.

"ok i think i see you" i say squinting my eyes "maybe." i just need him to move or say something to let me know its him.

"dipshit you just said you couldn't fucking see" it is him,

"ok i see you let me walk to you so we can get to better lighting." i say starting to walk towards him or well trying to walk towards him.

. . .

i tripped.

normally this would be fine, but from what happened early its ten times worse, at least i landed on something softish.

"ow" i groan in pain trying to get up.

"what the hell dipshit, why the hell did you fucking fall on me!?" Vance said half yelling.

"shit." i say looking up at Vance's face, he looks pissed and bloody.

"did you get in a fight?" i ask looking at Vance's face still.

"obviously, fucking ass brought a knife into the fight and stabbed me with it" Vance hisses out.

"ok lets go find some light." i say slowly standing up to not feel the pain as bad.

"uhm can you stand Vance-" "of course i can dipshit" Vance interrupts me oh so rudely.


chapter two done sorry for the wait

lmao not the cliffhanger🤭🤭😲😲

ur mom😩😩

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