chapter five

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Finney's pov

"Vance you can keep your shirt on and hold it up, or you can just take it off." i say, getting a paper towel wet with warm water this time.

"okay." Vance says taking his shirt off fully.

"this might hurt a little bit." i say taking the wet paper towel to his skin, it was full of cuts and i wasn't sure if it would hurt at all.

"wh-WHY THE FUCK WOULD IT HURT, UNLESS YOU DUMPED THE WHOLE ASS THING OF RUBBING ALCOHOL ON IT." Vance really can't hold his anger, it's very similar to how dad can't hold his alcohol.

"uh-oh uhm you have a lot of cuts and scratches, so uhm I'm not sure if it'll hurt or no." i start explaining to Vance getting a hum in reply.

"yeah whatever, just hurry up." Vance was getting better then before, not the best but better.

"ow WHAT THE HELL, YOU'RE PRACTICALLY PUTTING THE TOWEL IN THE CUTS." Vance yelled quieter but he still yelled.

i say "sorry sorry, I'm trying to clean it so the rubbing alcohol works better." sighing loudly at the beginning.

"just-fine be quick though." Vance says sighing in-between just and fine.

"okay." i say quickly, making sure to finish up cleaning as quickly as i possible can.

"okay, so I'm going to start with the rubbing alcohol now." i say slowly reaching over to grab the rubbing alcohol.

"please don't scream this time." i try to ask in a calm voice, shortly hearing Vance sigh.

"fine, just get it over with." Vance said, i could hear him take a deep breath.

"okay I'll start now." i say, reopening the rubbing alcohol.

i start pouring the rubbing alcohol on Vance's small cuts first, "aw fu-fuck." i could hear him breathing really hard. he's really trying hard not to scream and yell, it's almost sweet that he took consideration to what i said at all.

. . .

what. the. fuck. is. wrong. with. me.

" okay I'm almost done with the small cuts, then I'll get to the stab." i say looking up to see a pissed off Vance, I'm not even sure if pissed off covers it all.


"well unless you want an infection, i have to take my time." i say as calm as i can.

"FUCK THAT-FUCKING UH FUCKING INFECTION SHIT." Vance screamed, I'm convinced everyone in the gas station can hear him right now.

"pl-please calm down Vance." i say getting nervous, because if we get kicked out of here I'm not sure where we could go to clean up.

"Vance they'll kick us out and then I can't clean the stab, an-and then you'll have to go to the hospital, or-or you might-uhm die from it, just imagine 'Vance H-Hopper found dead, cause of death: stab wound.' a-and then i would be to to uhm blame because i could have helped you." damn this stutter.

"so you're just trying to save your own ass?" what?

"what?" i say looking confused at Vance.

"oh, n-no no i just uhm-" i start to say, "save your breath, just finish this so i can start with you." Vance says.

the next ten minutes are mostly silent, the exception being his quiet grunts and hisses. finally I'm done with cleaning the stab wound.

the next few minutes are used bandaging up Vance's torso.

pinball love?(vance x finney bc there is none of that ship)Where stories live. Discover now