chapter six

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Finney's pov

"EEEK" i screech as Vance starts running, with what i can imagine he can muster with his wounds.

"SHUT UP YOU TWIG, AND STOP SHOUTING IN MY FUCKING EAR." I hear Vance scream into my ear.

"I'LL SHUT UP IF YOU SHUT UP." i scream back, oops, he's so gonna beat the absolute shit out of me.

"sorry." i say quietly, raising my head from looking at his clothed back? i swear he took his shirt off when'd he get it back on? anyway i look over the see the police officers getting in their fucking car.

"shit Vance." i say gaining his attention, i can feel his head slighting turning to face me or well hear me better.

"what?" he says in a mean but confused tone of voice, at least he's calmed down.

"uhm-" i start, "fucking spit it out." okay still as rude as before. "THE-UHM THE FUCKING COPS ARE GETTING IN THEIR CAR AND STARTING TO CHASE US." I shout into his ear which i get a slap on the back for.

"ow" i say silently hissing at the pain, when a silent Vance said a quick and quiet 'sorry' to me, at least he's not as hostile as before.

i could practically hear Vance thinking, "uhm, lets go to the fucking mc Donalds that just fucking opened a year ago or some shit, I've heard it's fucking cheap and i said i would buy us food or some shit." Vance says quickly.

"eek" i make a shocked sound as Vance puts one hand on my back and the other on my ass, as he starts to speed up.

"w-what the hell are you doing." i say, quickly  turning red from embarrassment? it doesn't really matter right now i just need to know why his fucking hand is... there.

"it's to make sure you don't fucking fall off dipshit, I'm not some pervy weirdo." Vance says adding a little 'aren't you supposed to be smart?' at the end.

"i-i am smart for your knowledge and uhm yeah mc donalds sounds fine if we don't get caught." jeez i need to stop getting myself into these types of situations, maybe then i wouldn't be hurt so much. . .wait a minute Vance saved me that one time so, i wasn't hurt, god damnit without Vance i would be in so much pain right now.

"uh-uh start running in the park the police won't be able to see or find us easily." i say quickly seeing the park in front of us, "then you could turn and get to mc donalds." i say as if i can see in front of us at all.

"dipshit the parks to the side of us but i will." Vance says snarkly to me, i can feel the shit eating grin he has on right now, he just loves to be right doesn't he?

"okay." i say, quickly grabbing onto his shirt when he makes a very quick and sharp turn into the park, oh if yesterday me could see what was happening right now he would be absolutely more shocked and surprised then me right now.

"what do you want from mc donalds." i hear Vance struggle to say, I've never been to a mc donalds before, and this ones the first to show in the suburbs of Denver even though if was founded in like 1955 or something.

"uh-I've never been to a mc donalds before." i say quietly to Vance as he makes strange twists and turns in the park.

"well neither have i." Vance says not as quiet as me but still quiet, still just as snarky as before.

"uh-do you think they have cheese burgers?" i ask Vance, as quietly as i can muster.

"i don't know, dumbass i just said I've never been to one before." Vance needs better manners but I'll take that as a yes?

"well if they do I'll have it." i say just slightly in Vance's ear, trying to be quiet.

"ok i guess." Vance replies, making a turn out of the park, we met met each other in yesterday?

"HEY WHERE DID THE TWO OF YOU GO? BY STATE OF LAW YOU ARE LEGALLY REQUIRED TO COME OVER TO US." said one of the police officers, in the park? also i don't think we legally have to sense we did nothing wrong,. . . i think, maybe. probably not.

"fuck no." i hear Vance say under his breath, quickly making another turn, i think the mc donalds is up ahead but i don't know i can't see that way.

"we're almost there, hold on." Vance says some how speeding up a little bit.

"okay, we are like a block or so away from mc donalds, I'm going to but you down so you can walk the rest of the way. i think their still in the park." Vance says putting me down while quickly recovering his breath.

"okay, let's start walking over there." i say trying to cover my worry for being caught by the police, if i get fucking caught I'll be with my mother.

"yeah let's go." i hear Vance say behind me while we walk.

we enter the mc donalds and hear a slight. "welcome to mc donalds what can i get for you?" the worker said that in a very slow and tired voice, i could see visible eyebags under his eyes, he doesn't seem to notice the left over blood on Vance's hair,. . .which is good.

"uhm-give us a minute." i say quietly, getting a small 'take your time' from the cashier, i look over and see a cheese burger on the menu. so i poke Vance.

"hey what the hell was that for?" Vance asks in an angry voice. so i point at the cheese burger.

"ok." Vance says walking to the cashier, while getting out his wallet or well the one dollar and something cent, that i had given back to him earlier.

"hello," says the worker, "what can i get for you?" the worker says tiredly.

"hey, can i get one cheese burger and one plain burger." Vance says in a nice-ish tone?

"okay, that'll be twenty-four cents." says the worker putting his hand out as Vance places twenty four cents into his hand.


omg another chapter😧😧😧😩😩😩😩😩😩😩

i give up tbh will continue the story thp😧😧😧💕💕😏😏😏

ur mother🐟🐟🔪🔪👁️👁️


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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