chapter three

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Finney's pov

And just like that, Vance starts to get up grunting. . . a lot.

"Vance are you okay?" i ask waiting for him to finally get up, so we can walk over to a street lamp so i can see if he's actually like dying or some shit.

"of fucking course I'm not dipshit, I've been fucking stabbed." Vance whisper yells at me, damn i was just seeing if you needed a hospital asshole.

"sorry, i was just making sure you didn't need a hospital." i say more on the quiet side, im pretty sure he heard me because i was given a small sigh.

"uh it's fine i guess." Vance said that to me not yelling or being angry, but as calm as i can imagine he can muster. . . with a stab wound of course.

"i see a lamp post right ahead of us, with a bench on it, so Vance, unfortunately you can not sit down on the bench, i need to make sure your injuries aren't to severe. if they are we will have to go to the uhm hospital" i say trying not to get to scared about what he might do; cry?, scream?, throw a tantrum?, etc.. i don't need nor want to deal with any unwanted attention.

. . .

and i definitely don't need to deal with an angry Vance. . .ever.

"ugh Finney Blake i am this close to killing you." Vance said showing his fingers not even a half an inch away from each other, i mean at least his fingers aren't together.

i swallow my spit making for some reason a very loud sound, luckily Vance doesn't even glance at me, I've been saved yet again.

"oh we are almost to the light." i said stating the obvious.

"i can see that dipshit, i didn't go blind from being stabbed." Vance snapped back, he also turned his head like a crazy phycho, i swear i could hear it snap.

as soon as Vance got in the light i could see how terrible he really looked, blood matted into his hair, his nose bleeding, a few slashes from the knife, a few bruises forming from hits im guessing, and last but not least the stab, the knife wasn't there anymore obviously taken out by someone, he was stabbed on his torso, luckily it didn't look like it hit any organs, but i don't know I'm no doctor, he could be dying for all i know.

"so? you've been staring at me for awhile now, what's it look like? also are you going to come into the light instead of standing in the dark like a total creep." oh shit he's right i am standing here like a total creep, but i don't wanna go into the light because of my injuries.

"oh uh you definitely need stitches for the knife wound and some of the slashes, you'll need a few icepacks for sure, and we should go get water to help your hair." i said trying to avoid going into the light.

"uh-huh Finney Blake come into the light right now, there's something off about you and i don't fucking like it, it's weird." Vance said looking not to great at the moment.

"no thanks, Vance i-uhm i think I'll stay here uh, so how many people did you fight to have so many injuries like that?" i asked changing the subject.

"it was probably five or so, now" Vance started slowly sitting down " come into the light." Damn why is Vance so pushy about me coming into the light, is he scared i have some type of weapon on me so that i could hurt him more.

"Vance i-uhm I'm not going into the light i don't have to uhm." he's going to kill me for not listening to him, but i don't need him laughing at me for not being able to protect myself, even from my father.

"Finney i said fucking come into the light, not stand there like a fucking statue." Vance yelled just slightly.

"n-no i'm not going into the light, now lets go clean you up and stitch you up." i said waiting for him to stand back up.

"uh fine." Vance said with an annoyed voice, slowly getting up from the bench.

" ok great, i don't have money or anything with me right now." i said thinking and not realizing that Vance's hand was grabbing my wrist and bringing me into the light.

"WHAT THE FUCK VANCE." i started screaming at him not caring if he would beat me up later.

. . .

"what the hell happened to you?" Vance said almost carefully.

. . . 

hell happened Vance. hell. 

"uh-oh well it's nothing much, barely even hurts heh." i say while putting my hand on the back of my neck, obviously lying.

" anyway let's go to a-uhm gas station, to clean you." i said trying so hard to change the subject, s very hard to change only for Vance to say something.

"you-you're covered in blood, your hair is matted from the dried blood, not to mention you have whip marks on you. . . it definitely fucking hurts." oh Vance, you have no clue how much it actually hurts.

"let's get going to the gas station, there's one up ahead from here, it's open twenty four seven." i say mumbling a small 'I'm pretty sure' at the end of it, as me and Vance start walking towards it, Vance keeps on glancing over here now and then.

"alright let's go i guess, but you're getting cleaned up to." Vance said saying the last part quieter then the rest of it, i would have never of guessed that Vance would have such a soft spot or at least act a little bit like one.

"ok." and with me saying that single word the conversation was ended.

we continued walking in silence for the next few minutes, nothing but sweet old silence, but of course Vance had to say something with his big mouth.

"what happened? it's only fair you tell me, sense i told you how i got stabbed." of course he had to say that, should i lie should i not. . . i might as well tell the truth, if i lie he'll beat the shit out of me when he finds out i lied straight to his face.

"ok it's a little bit of a long story though."

. . .


my homework is super easy for sum reason lol🐟🐟

bro sorry for a short chapter next update soon i hope✨♥️♥️❤️❤️

sorry for the bad and late chapter  😲😲😧😧🤭🤭

ur mom


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