Chapter 4

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All morning we had been preparing for this plan to kill Scott, which I was totally not on board for.

"Are we sure we should be doing this? This is the stupidest thing we've ever done." I announced, rummaging through my bag and pulling out my laptop for Stiles. It was just us two.

"Scott wants to go through with it." Stiles spoke, barely audible, opening up both of our laptops and doing his computer wiz thing.

"Doesn't mean it's smart or the right thing to do." I pointed out, scratching up and down my arm nervously.

"Aren't you supposed to not question your alpha's orders?" Stiles asked, not looking up from the two computer screens, moving back and forth, typing away on them.

"It's not in the job he is your alpha, too." I replied, taking a seat in one of the chairs.

"I mean, like, isn't it instinct or something. To listen to Scott." Stiles rambled.

"I am listening, I did everything he asked, but I still don't like the plan. It doesn't change my opinion." I explained playing with a pen on the desk.

"He'll be fine." Stiles said, seemingly sure but his heartbeat faltered.

"You know I can hear your heartbeat, right?" I informed him as my phone began to ring, I pulled it out and answered it.


"Lexi, It's Derek. Can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, sure."

"I left my jacket at the hospital, It's in Braedon's room. Can you get it?"

"Uh-yeah. I guess. I'll get it to you by the end of the night."

"Cool, thank you."

"Mmm." I hummed hanging up the phone.

"I'll return shortly." I suspiciously informed Stiles. I ran quickly up to Braedon's old room. I scoped the room for an old beaten up leather jacket and found it. It was covered in blood in the corner. I sighed, wondering what trouble Derek got himself into this time. Nonetheless, I grabbed the jacket and raced back down to Stiles in the empty hospital room. This time, Stiles wasn't alone. Kira and Liam were there, circled around the table.

"Scott should be coming in, soon. Melissa knows what to do." Stiles listed events that would be occurring soon, or even now.

Stiles began setting up Kira's laptop, Liam brought his, too incase we needed it. They were all murmuring instructions and fumbling to set things up for the security cameras.

"I can hear him." I whispered, I felt Liam stop and look over to me. I focused my hearing on Scott's familiar heartbeat slowing and finally stopping. I listened to the machines above beeping frequently trying to alert the doctor that he wasn't okay.

"I'm calling it." Liam's stepdad announced.

"Someone page Melissa McCall." He continued.

I was so focused on listening to the conversation that I hadn't realized Liam, Kira and Stiles all starring at me.

"Uh-sorry. It just sounds so real. I-I can't hear his heartbeat." I confessed.

"It will start up again in a few minutes." Kira informed me nodding. I nodded back.

"Your stepdad just called it." I told Liam, still listening. I heard a Liam's dad tell Mama McCall of the news. I knew she knew the truth but when she screamed it was all to convincing. The entire hospital could hear her screams, and I had to cover my ears. I looked over to Liam seeing him cringing at the noise.

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