Chapter 8

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So, I hadn't heard from Derek all summer. I had a feeling that Scott knew exactly where Derek was and what he was up to but I didn't ask. We were currently babysitting Liam. Scott, Stiles and I were outside Stiles' jeep. Everyone had been talking about their plan once they graduate. It had always made me uneasy since Liam and I weren't in on that plan. Stiles and Scott were currently talking all about it and where they could all get apartments or houses to share. I was lying on the front of Stiles' jeep looking up at the stars. I was blocking most of his map that he had laid out to show Scott but he didn't seem all that interested.

"Are you alright? Can you feel it?" Stiles asked, I looked up thinking he was talking to me, but his words were aimed at Scott.

"No It's just, I've been thinking."


"Senior year."

"Senior year, C'mon. That-That's nothing. That's gonna be easy." Stiles brushed off.

"It's more like something Deaton told me. Have you ever heard of regression to the mean?"

"I have." I said, sitting up on the jeep.

"No..Is-Is it like some wolf thing?" Stiles questioned, jokingly.

"It's his way of saying that things can't be all good or all bad. Eventually things have to come back to the middle. So think back to the last couple of months. Things have been good right? Not amazing but.."

"Yeah but no one has tried to kill us in six months either."

"Yeah, right. We've been pretty much in the middle for a while which means that the scale has to tip one way or the other. Which means things will be really good again..."

"Or really bad." Stiles said, understanding why Scott was worried. Thunder rumbled loudly causing me to jump quite visibly.

"You alright there tough wolf?" Stiles asked, jokingly. I punched his shoulder teasingly.

"Ow." He whined.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked back, smiling.

"Whatever.." Stiles mumbled, looking back to Scott.

"Do you think it's been long enough?" Stiles asked referring to Liam.

"Yes!" Liam shouted from the large tree he was chained up too.

"Hey! We're trying to have an adult conversation over here!" Stiles yelled back to Liam.

"You guys are two years older than me! And Lexi is only one!" Liam called back.

I was beginning to feel like Scott and Stiles were slowly becoming my surrogate parents. I wonder who would be the mom.

"I'm fine! Just let me go." Liam shouted back.

Scott began over to Liam with Stiles following suite. I didn';t want to bealone so I followed as well.

"It not that we don't trust you." Scott began.

"It's that I don't trust you." Stiles continued.

"Me either." I added in.

Scott continued talking as if he didn't hear us.

"It's just after that last full moon." Scott said, taking out the key to the chains.

"It was one slip up." Liam defended weakly.

"Slip up?" I questioned.

"A dozen calls to the sheriff's department about a monstrous dog boy running around the streets of Beacon Hills naked. That's a slip up?" Stiles questioned, slight anger in his voice.

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