I. I got some tricks up my sleeve

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ONE. I got some tricks up my sleeve

      McKenna Barlowe was no longer a girl

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McKenna Barlowe was no longer a girl. She was a professional killer. A con artist. Someone famous at the Commission. She was no longer that young girl she saw in the bathroom mirror. She didn't even recognize that girl anymore.

People feared her. Cowered at the sight of her. The sound of her name gave them shivers. She held a confidence to her that was almost evil. McKenna was no longer a timid child but a powerful woman. She was now one the Commission's highest ranking assassins.

The questions over the years raised. What was so special about her? She was just a woman. What made her different than anyone else? McKenna Barlowe was one of the rare birth's that happened in October 1,  1989, so of course her powers were something The Handler kept her eyes on. But what pushed it farther was the discovery that McKenna was born with more than one power, which made her one of the rare children born with more than one superpower. She was born with the ability to teleport, move objects with her mind, and make herself invisible.

She was the golden ticket essentially.

Her nails tapped against the cushioned chair in The Handler's office. Her black high heels sat on display. The white haired woman sat across from her at her desk. "Red is a nice color on you, McKenna." She spoke with her usual wicked smile.

She almost forgot that her closed were stained crimson. "I'm not McKenna Barlowe without a little blood on me."

"Certainly. The mission was successful?"

"Oh yes, took him out with one shot." She answered with a dark smirk. "He put up a good fight, though. Poor thing."

It made The Handler smirk even wider. "Wonderful! That's why you're the best."

She only grinned.

"I asked you to come in to deliver the news that we have a new recruiter that will be joining us soon."

"She furrowed her brows. "Who?"

"His name is Five Hargreeves. We've been watching him for some time now. He's currently in the middle of an apocalypse and had been for years," The Handler explained. "I think he'll make a perfect asset to the Commission."

The first thing she felt was jealousy. It was uncontrollably. McKenna spent years, almost her whole life, being trained to be the best. Being praised for her powers and skills. It's what gave her the confidence to keep going. "What makes him so special?"

The Handler smirked again at her hostility. "His ability to jump through time. He can teleport just like you."

She tried not to roll her eyes. McKenna was proud that she was born with more than one power because it came in handy on her missions. Her ability to teleport made it easy to not get hurt and being able to turn invisible allowed her to sneak up on her victims.

"I can see the wheels turning in your head," she teased her. "I can assure you, McKenna, he is not replacing you. That's impossible."

She smiled.

"I want you two to work together."

And her smile fell. "What?"

"Yes! You two will make an unstoppable team! Your abilities together will tear down the world. . . in a good way." The white haired woman expressed with excitement.

McKenna was annoyed. She did not do partners. She wasn't Hazel and Cha-Cha. She worked best alone. "With all do respect, Handler, I don't need a partner."

"Well, I know you don't need one, dear," she said like it was obvious. "You're the best of the best. But even the best needs a good asset."

She clicked her tongue in thought. "When will he be here?"

"Tomorrow is when I will retrieve him." The Handler answered. She grew another smirk. "So, what do you say?"

Everybody knew that alone, McKenna was brilliant. She was smart, stealthy, and a master manipulator. She knew exactly what to do and say in order to get what she wanted. Whether it was from men, or women, or those she was assigned to kill, McKenna was good at her job. It's what made her the best. But then she got to thinking: How much better would she be if she had someone great with her? The Handler was describing him very highly and she was confident that McKenna would be better with his help.

"Bring it on."

McKenna sat alone in a bar only a block away from her apartment. It was her usual spot. The place she went every night after work. She downed her second glass of whiskey. She felt multiple eyes on her. Male gazes. They were always watching her. They liked the tight dresses she wore and the high heels on her feet. They liked her confidence. They liked having someone to prey upon. Most woman don't like being stared at like that but McKenna was used to the attention. She liked the attention. Drunk men were a distraction from the destruction she caused every day.

Her wicked eyes scanned the men watching her like she was a painting on display. Her eyes drew them in. Dark brown and lust filled. A man in a black suit made his way towards her. He took the empty seat beside her. "I haven't seen you here before." His eyes were bright blue.

McKenna grabbed the glass of whisky that the bartender sat in front of her. "Must not be looking very hard." She responded and drank from the glass.

He chuckled. "What's your name?"


"You're lying."

"How do you know?"

"The corner of your mouth curled up." He pointed out.

McKenna sipped her drink to avoid him seeing her smirk. She raised her brows. "You're very observant."

"He shrugged confidently. "Only when I'm interested.  Can I buy you a drink?"

The night ended with her getting more drunk and ending up in his bed. By morning she was gone, no note or phone call. McKenna never called them back. Or saw them again. It was something a lot of people would frown upon but to her, as long as she got what she wanted, she couldn't care less.

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