Bino And Aruto Pasts Adventure

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Warning: misspelled words, cringed, and confusing parts of the story.

Oc- Original Characters but with numbers
Ac- Alternative Characters ( same people in different Multiverse)
M-male F-Female

Bino was in the storage room under the house cleaning up and Bino found a Record Crystal of him, and his wives at Wills and Echo's Christmas party and the time Aruto and other guys were doing a prank by throwing snowballs at Bino, but the plan backfired caused a snowball incident/ massacre.

Bino: Hey Aruto

He turned to Aruto

Aruto: Yes

Bino: Remember that time you introduce me to truereader40, Tempest68, and Williamjwb87 at the Christmas party?

Aruto: Yeah why...... oh no anything but that

Bino: Yeah like the time you were tricking me for having a snowboard racing with them, but instead you asshats used enhanced snowballs and tried to kill me that freezing cold of death. ( Fake smile)

Aruto: Well I uh

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Aruto: Well I uh.......

Bino (fake smile): Go on continue, I've been well played to snowball fights.

Aruto ( Sacred): And I thought it was a good idea to enhance

Aruto: Well look at the time Evelynn was about invited to dinner bye.

He ran like a woman carrying a purse.

Bino: You like you're running like a woman on heels.

Aruto: I heard that you Hijo de puta (Son of bi@+ch)

Mio and Chisato were walking in.

Mio: What's with Aruto running like a woman with heels carrying a purse?

Background Aruto:

Chisato giggles at Aruto. And she saw a recording crystal on Bino's hand and recognized it and so does Mio.

Chisato: Honey is that a recording crystal from the years ago at the time you show us that during our wedding?

Mio: Your right about the wedding, ahh the memories.

Bino: Yes, but that is from the Christmas party that Will's wife Echo remembers.

Mio remembers Echo at the time when Chisato, Roberta, and Mio met. Mio has been friends forever and they always do a girls' night.

Mio: I remember the time Echo invited Me, Chisato, Roberta, Ryuko, Satsuki, and Cinder for girls' night. And we use yours, Will's, Tempest's, and Jair's credit cards.

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