Far Cry 6

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Far Cry 6 Opening scene Part 1

Blake Belladonna as Dani Rojas

Lita as Ilida Amitola

Jacques Schnee as Anton Castillo

Whitley Schnee as Diego Castillo

Sienna Khan as Clara Garcia *mentioned*

Bino was getting the next reaction ready while the other

Bino: Alright it's ready

Everyone gotta back to their seats and the children were stopped by Aguilera

Aguilera: Sorry children this reaction isn't your turn to watch

Children: Aww why

Aguilera: This one has some bad things on it, so my dad add a mini theater with modern kid's movies I added

Anya: What movie is it

Aguilera: *smile* My favorite movie was called Lilo and Sitch

Becky: the what

Gaspar: Who's Lilo and Sitch

Aguilera: Let's head there and show you it

Children were excited to walk with her to the mini theater

Bino's POV

Bino: Okay is everyone was ready

Everyone: Yeah

Yor: Wait where's Anya and Becky

Everyone was wonder

Rias: Yeah so does Gaspar

Aruto: Dont worry about it there with Aguilera showing them her favorite movie, anyway were bringing 2 new guests *snap*

???/???2: Where am I

Blake and the Belladonnas know who those 2 are

Blake/Ghira/Kali: ILIDA/SIENNA

Ilida turned and saw Blake and charged at her


When sit was about to attack her stopped by Bino, Aruto, and Jair

Jair: I think it's time to stop this heartful reunion

Aruto: Yeah you in mine and Bino's theater killing is forbidden here now sit down

Ilida: Or what human

Bino was laughing

Bino: I've never been laughing like this for while, let's see if a Faunus faces "DEATH"

Bino released his aura and this gave chills from every demihuman, humans felt like they walked into death itself, and Sienna felt it and order her to stop

Sienna: Ilida stand down NOW

Ilida was confused shocked

Ilida: But High Leader

Sienna: I said stand down or will die by his hands and my instincts tell me to run or face an alpha here, so let's hear what they said

Ilida: Fine

Bino: That's better Aruto use it

Aruto: okay *pull out a time skip card* ACTIVATE TIMESKIP

After the time skip they were shocked by the existence of the multiverse and counterparts

Sienna: So everything you say is true then

Bino: Yeap

Ilida: Okay so what are we reacting to this anyway

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