KOU Vs Guardians

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Bino used the gon to get everyone's attention

Tempest: Ugh would you please stop doing that?

Bino: *fake smile* No... even better

Jair: That might be *ring text* huh *reading the text* Uh sorry man I have to go

Will: You're leaving?

Jair: Yep, me, Satsuki, Ryuko, and the other girls are heading on a trip to the Bahamas as a wedding anniversary gift

Satsuki: indeed and we already pack our things as well

Ryuko: Yes, sorry for not telling you guys

Sato: no worries door is always open

Jair: Thanks *open a portal* Bye guys

Everyone: Bye/Take care/ Have a nice trip

The portal closed and went back to the real business

Bino: where were we... oh yeah, KUSHO!



He turned to Bino with a very unhappy look at him with his glasses on

Bino: Care to say that again *fake smile*

Kusho turned white and pale

Kusho: *squeaky voice* No boss

Bino: good, *turned to the guardians* anyway I was thinking why not have a nice battle between Me and The Kings of Unity vs The Multiversal Guardians with this area

The theater turned into an arena

The theater turned into an arena

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Tempest: *whistle* nice

Will: Wait you don't mean fight you Bino and Dad alone right

Evolto: oh come on this would be EZ, we can take you out since there are 4 of us vs 2 pieces of cake

Bino: Wait 4?

Evolto: Yes *open a portal and drag someone out*

???: Ow what the hell man, Evolto I hate so much

Aruto: uh Evolto who is this

Tempest: His name is Lightcero and he is also a guardian too

Bino: Okay welcome to the arena, hope you enjoy your stay

Lightcero: yeah, thanks it would be certain SOMEONE *turned to the 2 idiots* would have called me first 1st

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