Assassins Creed Mirage

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Oc- Original Characters but with numbers
Ac- Alternative Characters ( same people in different Multiverse)
M-male F-Female

Guest: Jair900, and Tempest68

Williamjwb87's Adventures

The guys were wondering about Bino's reaction to Will's Adventure as an Assassin in the ninth century in Baghdad, Iraq.

Bino and Aruto came back limping and Will was beginning to get some answers and gave him an angry look.

Will: Bino give me a reason why can't I remember any of this and why are you saying that I was in it without answering you Mexican prick?

Bino was sighing  

Bino: Remember the vase that Tempest broke when you pepper spray him

Will was remembering that day 

Will: Yeah

Bino: Well while you were gonna pick up shards from the vase it started to glow and transported into the past where the time Echo's Great-Great-Grandmother Rosen Aurora Dawn was alive on her timeline.

Will got was surprised to meet one of the founders of the House of Dawn in the past and wondered why Baghdad

Will: And still why can't I remember any of this

Bino: Well... Uhm uh

Will: Bino what did you do to me

Bino: Well when Echo dragged me out of my house out of nowhere and told me that you were missing. And she told me that the vase glowed and poof you were gone a second

Will: Is that it

Bino: Nope there's more and I took the scan on the vase and the origin of the vase is founded in the 9th century in Baghdad, Iraq. And It took me 2 hours to find you went full assassin mode you don't remember me and dodged every attack and used smoke bombs and hit you with a frying pan. 

Will: Okay 

And Will hit him with the same fry pan.

Bino: Ow dude what the heck man 

Will: Payback

Bino rolled his eyes and walk to the theater and everyone is ready for the next reaction

Ruby: Bino your back 

Bino: Yes I'm back

Anya saw Bino walking wierd

Anya: Uncle Bino why are you walking funny

The Adults and Teens were blushing and jealous about Bino's sessions with his wife Bayonetta and were in the room alone with his girlfriends.

Bino: Let's just ignore that anyway 

Jair: So... what's the next reaction Bino

Bino went pale being stared at by Will and Echo was wondering about her husband's behavior toward Bino.

Tempest: Why are you getting  pale

Bino: Well in our time when Will was transported in the 9th century in Baghdad when the time Echo's Great-Great-Grandmother  Rosen Aurora Dawn was around

Everyone was surprised about Echo's relatives 

Tempest: Is that it... wait did you say that Will was transported how

Bino: He touches the broken vase that YOU broke

Echo was pissed at Tempest for what he did to Echo's family vase 

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