Chapter 1 | Heated Twilight

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"I met a girl with lavender hair!"

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"I met a girl with lavender hair!"

Chapter One: The Runaway Bride.

The wedding hall was adorned with an abundance of white and red roses, their fragrant petals filling the air with a sweet scent. It was a grand affair, attended by wealthy individuals, all eagerly anticipating the union of the only daughter of one of the most prominent businessmen in town.

However, amidst the opulence and excitement, an unsettling feeling lingered. The groom stood at the front of the aisle, his brows furrowed and a deep frown etched across his face. He anxiously awaited the arrival of his bride, but with each passing moment, her absence became more conspicuous.

Turning his gaze towards a man standing nearby, the groom's expression was filled with confusion and a hint of frustration. He raised his shoulders in a questioning gesture, silently demanding an explanation for the delay.

"Where is she?" the man's voice carried a tinge of anger as he spoke, his words dripping with annoyance. He directed his attention towards his wife, who had just entered the wedding hall, her empty hands a stark contrast to the missing bride.

"She... she ran away, honey," his wife stammered, her voice trembling. She fought back tears, nervously biting her lip, desperate to hold herself together in the face of the growing whispers and gossips that spread through the hall like wildfire.

The groom's eyes widened in disbelief, his brows knitting together in a mix of bewilderment and frustration.

The weight of the situation bore down upon him, leaving him at a loss for words. Anguish and confusion mingled in his gaze, as he tried to comprehend why this had happened.

A voice filled with anguish and fury suddenly pierced the air, shattering the uneasy silence. "Why does she always do this!" the father of the bride bellowed, his voice reverberating through the hall.

In a fit of rage, he lashed out, kicking at tables with a force fueled by his intense anger.

The groom, his eyes filled with a mixture of emotions, watched the scene unfold before him, feeling utterly bewildered and vexed by the turn of events.


The club was alive with the vibrant energy of happy teenagers, pulsating with music that filled the air. Amidst the crowd, a girl with lavender hair giggled, her head swaying to the rhythm, thoroughly enjoying herself. She playfully signaled the waiter, catching his attention.

"Hey!" she called out, a mischievous glint in her eyes, beckoning him for more tequila.

"I want more tequilas. This stuff is amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice slurring with drunkenness, her giggles punctuating her words.

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