Chapter 5 | Baby

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"Why is she always in the mask around me?"

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"Why is she always in the mask around me?"

Chapter Five: The famous Seok Y/N

"Y/N can you help me with this?"

Y/N nodded with a smile as Max, one of her colleagues, asked for her help. She walked over to his desk, crouching down to take a quick look at the presentation he had prepared to be sent to their strict and perfectionist boss.

As she examined the presentation, the door to Jungkook's office suddenly unlocked. Y/N's eyes widened in panic, and she quickly crouched down, trying to hide from their cold and unforgiving boss.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Max asked, confused by her sudden behavior. "Oh, my ring fell," she muttered, pretending to search for a non-existent ring on the floor, hoping to avoid their boss's attention.

Y/N carefully watched as Jungkook left the floor in the elevator, feeling a rush of relief wash over her. "But you don't wear rings, Y/N. What ring are you searching for?" Max questioned, his confusion evident.

"Oh, yeah," Y/N said, playfully slapping him on the shoulder. "Thanks for reminding me that I never wear rings," she fake laughed, brushing off her shirt as she stood up.

"By the way, the presentation is amazing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to sign out of my system before I leave for home," she whispered, smiling at him.

As Y/N rushed to clear her desk and leave for home, she accidentally collided with someone along the way.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, sir," she gasped, looking up to see Taehyung chuckling at the situation.

"It's okay, I'm fine," Taehyung reassured her, patting her arm gently.

"We haven't formally introduced ourselves. I'm Kim Taehyung," he said, extending his hand for a handshake. Y/N shook his hand and replied with a smile, "I'm Y/N. Seok Y/N."

"Seok Y/N," Taehyung repeated, licking his lips. "I think I've heard of a Seok Y/N who was the daughter of a very famous businessman. But then she ran away from her family," he muttered.

Y/N's smile faded, and she chuckled awkwardly, doing her best to hide any signs of discomfort upon hearing that particular information.

"It looks like he kind of knows me, ah being famous is torture especially when you pull runaway bride news all over the news channels" Y/N whispered to herself, adjusting her hair.

"Did you say something?" Taehyung asked, looking confused. Y/N shook her head and replied, "Nothing, sir. I was just mentioning that I'm leaving for home. My son must be waiting for me," she muttered.

Taehyung frowned upon hearing her words. "Oh, you have a son?" he asked, seeking confirmation. Y/N nodded and said, "Yes, I do. He's five years old."

"I never knew you were married," Taehyung muttered, his confusion evident. Y/N simply smiled, bowing goodbye to him, and hurriedly left the scene.

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