Chapter 4 | Compliment

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"I got scared of the new chairman so I hid myself

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"I got scared of the new chairman so I hid myself."

Chapter Four: Big fucking trouble

Jungkook found himself at the nearby store, gathering the items he needed for his new mansion. He enjoyed personally selecting things instead of depending on maids to do it for him.

As he made his way to the beverage section, he noticed the banana milk and reached out to grab it. However, just as he was about to take it, a small hand grabbed hold of it before him.

Confused, he furrowed his eyebrows and looked down to find a little boy smiling up at him. The boy had adorable bunny-like teeth on display, adding to his cuteness.

"Sorry, Uncle," the little boy whispered in his adorable, tiny voice, "you can have it," he added in the sweetest, cutest baby voice.

Jungkook swallowed hard as he looked into the little boy's innocent, doe-like eyes. They were so reminiscent of his own. The way this little boy smiled at him was tugging at his heartstrings.

"You can have it, kid," Jungkook replied, clearing his throat. "Here you go," he muttered, taking the banana milk and giving it to the little toddler.

"Thank you so much, Uncle!" the little boy chimed happily as he ran off. Jungkook followed behind, but his steps came to a halt when he saw that the girl who picked up the boy wasn't the one he had hoped for. His smile quickly faded.

It was a different girl, smiling at the little boy, holding him, and showering him with kisses.

Jungkook felt a wave of disappointment wash over him. Reality hit him hard. The girl he had imagined, the one he had fondly referred to as the "lavender Angel," was nowhere to be found. She was gone.

"Now am I just imagining a kid with her? That girl is not here, Jungkook," he muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. With a heavy heart, he turned away and left the area.

While Jihun giggled uncontrollably, Emma tickled his tummy playfully. "Promise me you won't tell your mom that we had ice cream. She'll be really mad at me, okay?" Emma whispered, her eyes twinkling mischievously. Jihun chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Aunt Emma. But you have to buy me this banana milk," he muttered, pouting slightly. Emma smiled and nodded, promising to fulfill his request.


Y/N was engrossed in listening to music and playing games on her computer when her attention was drawn to her colleagues who seemed to be in a state of panic, running around in confusion. Intrigued, she took off her headphones.

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