Chapter 2 | With a stranger

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"Two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together

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"Two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together."

Chapter Two: Morning in the stranger's bed

The pounding ache in her head sent a sharp sizzle of pain through the girl's temples, as if a relentless blacksmith was hammering away at her skull. With a hiss of discomfort, she gingerly attempted to sit up, only to be met with a searing sensation in her lower region, like sitting on a bed of hot coals.

It was in that very moment, as she surveyed her surroundings with bleary eyes, that her gaze fell upon the figure of a naked man lying beside her.

A shiver of realization coursed through her, and she came to the jolting conclusion that she had engaged in a one-night stand with a complete stranger.

The weight of the unknown pressed upon her, leaving her gasping for breath and panic swirling within her.

She fought the urge to pound her throbbing head against the nearby table, berating herself for succumbing to the reckless abandon that intoxication had brought upon her.

This was not the person she recognized in herself, the person who made careful choices and considered the consequences of her actions.

"Silly, stupid girl, look what you got yourself into" she muttered to herself, her voice laden with self-reproach, as she gingerly limped towards her discarded clothes strewn haphazardly on the pristine white tiles of the room.

The lavender hue of her hair caught the light as she hesitated, her eyes fixated on the slumbering form of the young man before her.

He looked so peaceful, like an innocent babe lost in the world. A pang of melancholy washed over her, mingled with the remnants of a wistful smile.

Leaning down, she pressed a fleeting kiss upon his lips, a silent wish for him to find solace and happiness once more.

"May life treat you kindly again, stranger," she sighed softly, her words barely a whisper, as she tenderly brushed a strand of hair away from his face.

With a heavy heart, she tore herself away, leaving the room in a flurry of hurried movements. As she hurriedly made her exit, the weight of the encounter still lingering in her mind, she whispered her final farewell.

"Goodbye forever," she murmured, her voice filled with a mix of regret and determination. The door closed behind her, sealing the memory of the stranger and the night they had shared in a chapter of her life that she vowed to leave behind.


"Oh my God, Y/N, I just can't believe you ran away at the last moment!" Y/N's cousin sighed, taking a seat beside her and shooting disapproving glances at the lavender-haired Y/N.

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