Chapter 8

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A/N - If I have to suffer, you're all gonna suffer! Also, finally picked a face claim for Noel "Mongoose/Minx": Jenna Coleman.

"Okay, aviators, this is hop 31. Two weeks to graduation. Top Gun trophy is still up for grabs, so every point counts," Jester said as the pilots sat in their planes.

Goose and Maverick were up against Iceman and Slider.

Mongoose had given Iceman a kiss for luck before they climbed into their respective cockpits. It killed Mongoose to not be up there with them, but she was tuned into their frequency.

"Well, it's bottom of the ninth, the score is tied. It's time for the big one," Goose said.

"You up for this one Maverick?" Iceman asked.

"Just a walk in the park, Kazansky," Maverick answered.

"Contact. Multiple bogies, 165. Two miles. Looks like they're going away from us," Slider told them.

"Ho, I see them, tallyho, right 2 o'clock. I'm in."

"I'm in," Iceman echoed.

There was a few seconds of silence.

"That son of a bitch cut me off," Maverick said, "Come on, come on. Jesus Christ. Ice, take the shot."

"Come on, Ice, get the hell out of there," Goose told him.

"I can't get the angle. I'm too close for missiles. I'm switching to guns," Ice said.

"Ice, fire or clear," Maverick ordered, "Look at this! Jesus Christ, I can take a shot right here!"

"I need another 20 seconds, then I've got it."

"Come on, Ice. Take the shot," Mongoose muttered to herself.

"I'm moving in. I've got the shot," Maverick said.

"Come on, Mav, let's get in there! Come on, Mav!" Goose told him.

"Maverick's getting impatient, Ice. Come on, take the shot!" Slider ordered his pilot.

"Ten more seconds, then I've got him," Iceman said.

"Come on, Ice, get the hell out of there! Let's do it, Mav," Goose said.

"Ice, come off high right. I'm in," Maverick told him.

"Five more seconds," Iceman said.

"Come off high right, I'm in."

"I'm off. Shit!"

"We're in his jet wash!" Goose said.

Mongoose's blood turned cold as Rooster's voice echoed in her head. "They flew through Ice's jet wash."

"Ho! Holy shit!" Maverick cursed.

"This is not good. Shit, we got a flameout, Mav. Engine one is out. Engine two is out!"

"Their engines flamed out and Maverick lost control."

Mongoose couldn't listen to anymore and ripped her helmet off. She saw Iceman's jet taxi to a stop and he descended the ladder. Mongoose climbed out her jet and stormed over to him. She shoved Iceman, causing him to collide with his jet.

"You asshole! If you had taken the shot, they wouldn't have flown through your jet wash! Goose is dead because of you! Bradley is gonna grow up without a dad because of you!"

Iceman didn't say anything. Iceman knew he shared some of the blame for the accident.

"This is why women shouldn't be allowed in the Navy," Slider said.

Mongoose had had it with the men of this era's snide and sexist remarks. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" She threw a punch that collided with Slider's jaw.

"Woah." Iceman grabbed her before she could hit him again.

"I'm worth ten of you, you arrogant asshole!" Mongoose was seeing red. She was so mad she could spit fire.

She struggled against Iceman's grip until the anger turned to extreme sorrow. Her knees gave out, so she was hanging limply in Iceman's grip.

Her heart ached for Rooster. She understood now. She understood what it felt like to lose someone you looked up to.

Iceman ushered her into the hangar, away from the stares. "Shh, shh, princess."

Normally the nickname would have set her off, but it was comforting to her right now.

That was what Rooster had called her during their Top Gun training since her callsign reminded him of his father. He still called her that when he was feeling particularly affectionate.

"I wanna go home," she cried.

"Okay. Okay. We can tell them in the morning."

She pulled out of his arms. "God! You don't understand! I don't belong here!"

"What are you talking about? Of course you belong here! You're one of the best fighter pilots I've ever seen! Maybe better than Mitchell."

Nothing she could say would make him understand. "I...I just..."

Iceman wrapped his arms around her again and kissed her hair. "I'm so sorry, Noel. I know Goose was your friend."

But Goose was more than that. He was Rooster's dad. The father of her best friend. A man she never got to meet.

She used to think he would have liked her, but now she knew.

I'm so sorry, Rooster.

Eventually, Mongoose's sobs turned into small sniffles.

"I'm sorry," she told him.

"It's okay, baby." Iceman knew she didn't mean the words she said.

At times like these, people always wanted something blame. It could have just as easily been a bird strike or a malfunction with the plane's system.

Goose's body would be flown back to Virginia where he would be buried near his parents saving Mongoose and Maverick from having to go to a funeral.

"I think...I think I'm gonna go lay down," Mongoose said.

"Want me to join you?"

Mongoose shook her head. "No. I think I'd like to be alone for a while."

Iceman nodded and kissed her forehead. "Well let me know if you change your mind or need anything."

Mongoose numbly walked to her room.

If she ever got back to her time, how would she ever explain this to Rooster? Would he never speak to her again?

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