Chapter 15

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Mongoose returned to training a few days later, but was never able to actually get off the ground.

"Rooster, requesting clearance for take-off."

"Clear for take-off."

Rooster started taxing down the runway. "You comin' Goose?" Rooster asked.

"Yeah. Yeah. Go on without me," she told him.

Rooster took off, but Mongoose stayed on the ground. She ripped her helmet off in frustration. Iceman would be ashamed of her right now. Every time she sat the cockpit of a jet, she froze up. It was like her mind went blank.

Mongoose dissolved into tears. She heard footsteps coming up her ladder and Hangman popped up.

"C'mon, darlin'. Let's get you out of here."

"I can't...I can't do it Jake!"

"You will. It's just gonna take some time." Hangman helped her out of the cockpit and down the ladder. Her feet hit the tarmac and she collapsed. "Woah!" Hangman gently lowered her to the ground.

Bob and Phoenix came running over to them.

"Is she okay?" Bob asked.

"Yeah. Help me get her inside," Hangman said.

The three of them helped her to her feet.

"Don't tell Rooster," Mongoose said, "Please. I don't want him to worry."

The trio led her to the locker room where Phoenix helped her out of her flight suit.

"I don't understand. Why can't I fly anymore?" Mongoose asked.

"It's gonna take time."

"But...but you got back in the cockpit after your bird strike."

Phoenix sighed. "Because my team needed me."

"The team needs me too."

"We're not on active duty right now, Noel. No one would fault you if you took a leave of absence."

Mongoose jumped up. "I'm fine! I promise!"

Phoenix didn't believe her, but didn't press the issue.

Mongoose hurried back to her room and threw herself on her bed, crying. She wanted to fly, she really did, but she just couldn't take being in the cockpit of a jet right now.

Meanwhile, Maverick, Hangman, and Rooster were in the air.

"Where's Mongoose?" Rooster asked.

Hangman sighed. "She...uh...she wasn't feeling well. Bob and Phoenix are taking care of her."

"She didn't say anything to me."

Maverick just sighed and shook his head. He'd been contemplating going to Cyclone to ask that Mongoose be placed on leave, but he was hoping he could get her back up in the air just like Viper and Jester had done to him.

Rooster landed and headed for Mongoose's room. He knocked on the door, but got no answer. "Mongoose?" he asked, opening her door.

She was laying on the bed facing away from him.

Rooster stripped out of his flight suit and boots and joined her on the bed. "Noel?"

Mongoose rolled over and buried her head in his chest. Her shoulders shook as she cried.

"Hey, it's okay. You're safe." Rooster stroked her hair and placed kisses on her head. Rooster's heart was breaking because he didn't know how to help her.

The next day, Mongoose was in the rec room with the other pilots, waiting for Maverick to come in and explain that day's exercise. He came in holding some paperwork. "Noel? Can I speak with you?"

Rooster stood up with her and followed them to Maverick's office. He turned to them and handed the paperwork to Mongoose. "You're being placed on leave."

"What? You can't do this, Mav!"

Mongoose just stared at the wall blankly.

"It wasn't just me. Cyclone and Warlock were made aware of...of Mongoose's mental state. They're giving her a month's leave."

"You can't just ground her!"

"This isn't your decision, Bradley. The paperwork has already been filed. As of now, Lieutenant Grenier is grounded for the foreseeable future."

"Noel?" Rooster asked.

Mongoose snapped out of her daydream. "Huh?"

It was then that Rooster realized how much she'd been struggling. Sure, she'd been a little shook up after the flat spin and ejection, but she was clearly more shaken up than he thought.

Mongoose knew she wasn't in the right state of mind to be flying an F-18.

"Lieutenant Bradshaw, I believe you have a training course to complete. Go. I'll meet you in the hangar," Maverick said.

Rooster looked at Mongoose and kissed her forehead before leaving. Mongoose looked at Maverick.

"Thank you, Mav."

Maverick put a hand on her shoulder. "Take some time off. Mourn for Ice. And then when you're ready, come back and kick everyone's asses."

Mongoose laughed and hugged Maverick. "Aye Aye, Captain."

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