Chapter 11

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A/N - I can't believe this story is nearly over! But beware dear reader, there is more angst coming.

Graduation day had come and everyone was dressed in their Navy Whites.

Last time she wore her Navy Whites, they were shipping out for the uranium mission.

"Gentlemen and Lieutenant Grenier."

Everyone laughed.

As the Admiral gave his speech, Mongoose was taken back to her Top Gun graduation. An older version of the man who sat by her side giving the speech, drinks with Phoenix and Rooster afterwards, worrying that she and Rooster would be separated.

"Hey, you okay?" Iceman asked her.

"Yeah. Just wish Maverick were here."

Iceman and Slider were awarded the Top Gun trophy, which came as a surprise to no one.

"Congratulations, baby," Mongoose told Iceman.

Iceman smiled and leaned in towards her ear. "You gonna reward me later?"

Mongoose blushed. "The only reason you won the trophy was because Mav quit."

Iceman put a hand over his heart. "You wound me, baby."

Mongoose looked into the crowd and saw Maverick. She smiled. "Mav! Over here!"

Maverick shook hands with Iceman. "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

Mongoose hugged Maverick. "I'm really glad you're here."

"Future Top Gun students need me apparently," he whispered in her ear.

They pulled away and Maverick turned to Slider.


"Thanks, Mav."

Maverick walked away and Viper walked up.

"Gentlemen and Minx, of course. I hate to break up the party before it really gets out of hand, but there is work to be done. Some of you have to depart immediately. We have a crisis situation."

Iceman squeezed Mongoose's waist.

"Ice, Slider. Hollywood, Wolfman. Maverick. Minx."

They were handed their orders.

Mongoose's hands were shaking as she opened it.

"Maverick, you'll get your RIO when you get to the ship. And if you don't, give me a call. I'll fly with you," Viper said.

Maverick nodded. "Sir."

24 hours later, they were on a carrier in the Indian Ocean.

"Aviators, this is bull's-eye. The communication ship SS Layton has become disabled and has wandered into foreign territory. A rescue operation is to begin within the hour. Your mission is to give air support to that rescue. There are MiG's in the area and tensions are high. If you witness a hostile act, you will return fire. Those MiG's carry the Exocent anti-ship missile. They can fire that missile from 100 miles away. This is the real thing. This is what you've been trained for. You are America's best. Make us proud." Stinger said, "Ice!"

"Yes, sir!" Iceman said.


"Sir!" Hollywood said.

"Sector Two. Maverick, Minx, you back them up with Merlin on Ready Five."

"Yes sir," Maverick said.


They all stood up and Iceman approached Stinger.

"Excuse me, sir. This is not personal, but with regard to Maverick, is he the best backup that..."

"I know what's on your mind, Kazansky, just get on it. You're lucky I'm even letting your little girlfriend fly with you."

"Mon...Minx is one of the best pilots I've ever seen. Sir."

Mongoose followed Maverick up on deck.

"Good luck out there," Maverick told her.

"Thanks. But I don't think I'll need it."

Maverick smiled.

Mongoose spotted Iceman and Slider headed for their plane and ran over to them. "Wait!" Mongoose said.

Iceman turned to her and she kissed his helmet.

"For luck." She opened her eyes and Rooster was standing in front of her.

She'd kissed his helmet right before the uranium mission and begged him to be careful. To come back to her. She could still remember how her heart had stopped when he called out that he had been hit.

She blinked and it was Iceman again.

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost. You good to fly?"

Mongoose smiled. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

Iceman knew she was lying, but he didn't have time to question her. So instead he grasped her chin in his hand and kissed her softly. "Be careful."

"You too. See you on the other side."

Before she let him go, she slipped a note inside his flight suit.

A note he wouldn't find until it was too late.

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