Chapter 13 - Alternate Ending

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A/N - I've decided the Alternate Ending will have an epilogue and then we'll get on with the canon ending. Then maybe I'll do some follow drabbles looking at Mongoose's life with Ice.

Iceman went to the locker room to clean up after their debriefing.

Mongoose had been quiet for some reason after they went below deck.

He started to take off his flight suit when a piece of paper fluttered to the ground.

It was a note from Mongoose.

When you find this, read the letter I left for you in your room.

Iceman's mind went to the worse possible outcome and he took off running to his room. On his pillow was a letter addressed to him.

Dear Ice,

I didn't know how to tell you this, so I settled for putting it in a letter instead. My name is Noel Grenier and I'm from the future. 30 years in the future. In the future you're a four-star Admiral, which is how I knew you. Admiral Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, uncle to Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw. That's right. Rooster is Goose's son. Funny how their callsigns are so similar. You may not believe all this now, but you will one day. If by some chance I'm ever sent back, please look after Bradley for me? Be there for him because he'll need it. I won't spoil anything for you, but Maverick does something pretty stupid and he'll need someone in his corner. I already told Mav about being from the future because I kind of let it slip. Sorry. If you don't want anything to do with me after this letter, I'll understand. I'll strike out on my own and make sure you never see me again, but if you still wanna be with me I'll meet you at the O Club when we get back to California.

Your Minx

Mongoose managed to avoid Iceman on the ship and spent most of her time with Maverick, but Iceman also hadn't made an effort to come find her. Mongoose wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

The night they arrived in California, Mongoose made her way to the O Club. She was still dressed in her Navy Whites when she and Maverick pulled up to the door. She wished she had packed a dress to change into.

Mongoose climbed off Maverick's bike. "Thanks for bringing me, Mav. I'll call you I guess...if Ice doesn't show," Mongoose said.

"Ice adores you, Noel. He'd be stupid to let you go," he told her.

Mongoose blushed.

She went inside and ordered herself a drink at the bar. She had several Naval officers try to hit on her, but she turned them down. She didn't want just any old Naval officer. She wanted Iceman.

Mongoose sat there and watched the hours go by, slowly losing hope.

Just as she was about to leave, she heard, "Excuse me ma'am, but is this seat taken?"

Mongoose turned to Iceman and smiled. "No."

Iceman sat down and ordered a drink.

"I thought you weren't coming," Mongoose said.

"I needed some time to think about things."

Mongoose's heart sank. "Oh. I totally get it if you never wanna see me again. I can ask about transferring to another squadron or..."

Iceman cut off her ramble by kissing her. "Noel, you are the best pilot I've ever seen and I would probably be dead without you. That's why I need you by my side. I don't ever want to let go of you, even if I lose you in a couple weeks, month, years. I don't care. I want you for as long as you want me."

Mongoose's eyes misted up with tears. "I...I want you too."

Iceman pressed his lips to hers again, but this kiss was gentle and filled with passion.

Mongoose knew it was too soon to say she was in love with Iceman, but she had a feeling she was headed in that direction.

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