Chapter 14

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Mongoose went back to her room and opened the wooden box.

A letter sat on top with her callsign, Minx.

Mongoose opened the letter and something dropped to the bed.

It was a dog tag.

Tom "Iceman" Kazansky.

Maverick must have told him about she wore one of Rooster's.

She added it to the chain around her neck and turned to the letter.

My dearest Minx,

This will be the last letter I write to you. My days are growing short, but I can't leave this earth without letting you know how I feel about you. I love you. I have and will always love you. I should have told you before that mission, but I was too scared that you didn't return my feelings. Sarah was never a replacement for you. I never told her about you, but I think she could tell that my heart didn't completely belong to her. She's a good woman and never asked. I sometimes think I should have been a better husband to her, but it's too late to think about what-ifs. I gave this box to Maverick the last time I saw him and told him to give it to you when you were ready. I hope you find happiness, princess. Whether that be with Rooster or with someone else. That's all I want for you. See you on the other side.

Love your Tomcat,

Admiral Tom "Iceman" Kazansky

Tears filled Mongoose's eyes. She pulled out more letters Ice had written her over the years when there was a soft knock at her door.

She quickly put everything away and shoved the box under her bed. She tucked her dog-tags into her shirt before she opened the door.

Rooster stood there.

"Roos..." She was cut off by Rooster slamming his lips on hers, his hand cradling the back of her head. Mongoose returned the kiss, grabbing onto Rooster's worn-out US NAVY shirt.

Rooster pulled away, his lips just brushing hers. "I almost lost you out there and I would have never forgiven myself if I didn't tell you how I feel about you. I love you Noel. Ever since Top Gun, maybe even flight school. You're my wingman and best friend."

The irony of this moment was not lost on Mongoose. Rooster was here professing his love for her when Tom had done the same in a letter.

Mongoose sighed. "Rooster, I..."

"Shh. You don't have to say it back right now. I just needed you to know." He turned to go, but she grabbed onto his arm.

"Will you...will you stay with me?"

Rooster nodded and Mongoose pulled him towards the bed.

They laid down and Rooster wrapped an arm around her.

Mongoose intertwined their fingers and pulled them up her mouth. She kissed the back of Rooster's hand and Rooster pulled her closer to him.

She vowed that she'd never tell Rooster about what happened.

How would she explain that she was there when his father died? Or how she fell in love with Iceman? A man who went on to get married and have children after her "death". Children that Rooster grew up. She didn't want to sour the memory of his uncle.

No. She'd take that secret to the grave.

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