Chapter 9

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"Dagger one is hit!" Maverick said.

A second later they heard Rooster's voice. "Dagger two is hit!"

"Spare Dagger requesting permission to assist," Hangman asked.

"Permission denied."

They tried reaching the two on the comms, but there was no answer. They had no way of knowing whether Rooster and Maverick had ejected or survived.

Eventually Hangman was granted permission to go and look for them. After about an hour, Hangman landed back on deck and descended the ladder of his jet. He walked over to Mongoose.

"Jake, where's Roo?" she asked him.

Hangman's green eyes were misty with tears. "I...I'm so sorry Noel."

"No, no." Mongoose felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest.

He couldn't be gone.

There was no way.


Mongoose shot up in her bed, breathing hard. A few seconds later, there was a knock on her door. She got up and answered it.

Iceman stood there. "Ice?"

"You okay? I heard you screaming."

"I'm fine."

He gave her look that said he didn't believe her, but he didn't press her. He entered her room and laid down on her bed. "Come here."

Mongoose curled up next to him with her head on his chest while he played with the ends of her hair.

"Noel?" he asked.

"Yes, Tom?"

"Are you in love with Rooster?"

Mongoose sat up and looked down at him.

"It's just...the way you talk about him..."

Mongoose laughed. "Me? And Rooster? Rooster is my wingman, but I'm not in love with him."

"You just woke up yelling his name."

Was she in love with Rooster? She cared about him deeply, but she wasn't sure she'd call it love. "Ice..."

Iceman sat up. "I care about you Noel, but if you're in love with another man..."

Mongoose shook her head and cupped Iceman's face in her hands. "There is no other man but you, Ice. I promise."

Mongoose couldn't say she loved Iceman, because she didn't know if she did but he had taken up residence in her heart like Rooster, Hangman, and the rest of the Dagger squadron.

Just as Mongoose was leaning forward to kiss him, someone knocked the door. Mongoose got up and answered it.

It was Jester.

"Sir," Mongoose said.

"Maverick's asking for you."

"Oh, okay. Thank you, sir."

Jester nodded and walked away.

Mongoose turned to Iceman. "Do you wanna come with me?"

Iceman shook his head. "I'm sure I'm the last person he's gonna want to see."

Mongoose walked over to the bed and kissed him before leaving. "You're my pilot, Ice. Never forget that."

Iceman smirked. "Your pilot? I think I like the sound of that."

Mongoose entered the hospital on base and was directed to Maverick's room.

He was sitting in the hospital bed, eyes rimmed with red and flushed cheeks.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" she asked him.

He shrugged. "He...Goose is..."

"I know. God, I'm so sorry, Pete."

Tears filled Maverick's eyes.

She knew how he was feeling right now. She'd felt the same waiting for news about him and Rooster.

"I guess this means you can have your old callsign back."

Mongoose knew he was hurting because he was trying to use humor to cope. Rooster did the same thing.

She sat next to him and wrapped her arms around him.

Maverick completely lost it at the gesture of affection.

Mongoose felt a little weird comforting her mentor, but she held him as he cried and stroked his hair.

Maverick's sobs quieted and he pulled away from her, wiping his face.

"What are you gonna do now?" Mongoose asked him.

"I...I don't know. I don't know if I can fly without him."

Mongoose would have offered to be his RIO, but she was never trained. She wouldn't know what she was doing.

She took his hand in hers. "I'm here for you, Mav."

Maverick gave her a small smile. "Thanks, Mi...Mongoose."

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