7. Intoxicating state

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Kakanya dragging sima and jadet by her left and right to dig her precious baby out [ yep her 12 years old babies] < here here!!! I hide it here!!! My precious little babies ~~~ heheehe ~  come on dig them out, let's go for another round with it in my house , okay? >
Seeing the usual rough to break face of kakanya turning into a cute naughty baby, they can't help but want to fulfilling her every commands. Well , they really never disobey her even one so why bother to change when she's so adorable
< okay / Umm > the two digging for five minutes they found a under ground tunnel that has been closed with a big flat stone , kakanya eyes lit up , then she tried to jump into the tunnel but was catch by a big strong arms < be good!!! Jadet will go and grab it back for you! > sima whispered behind her ear made kakanya giggling
< okay! Fine ~~~ but be careful my babies doesn't like rough treatment , oh and fix the two biggest babies in there okay? They're the oldest ~~~ > jadet listening to kakanya explanations seriously and nodded < okay I'll be back soon > he said while looking at the adorable scenes of kakanya giggling in his friend arms then jump in directly to the tunnel. Leaving the to have their time to themselves.


The atmosphere in kakanya bad room was —- how should I describe it ??? Very ambiguous and dangerous!!!!!! But lucky for her she doesn't even sense a slides of her surroundings. The eyes of the guys glow dangerously at her , as time went by their patients run out. Looks at the defenceless female who gulping down alcohols like water as they told her their past.
< so ~ the purpose of you guys are to find a suitable bride and make offsprings??? Just that?!! Than why the hell would you guys have to travel that far for just a person who you haven't even know??? > her brows twitching angrily
< remember? We are not your regulars beasts , we're the rouges , the wild and vicious creatures on this planet. Whose gonna marriage their precious daughter to us ? And even they want to , we'll still refuse because we don't like weak female that only know her to cry and do nothing but demanding and abusing people > jadet said and sima take over < but when we saw you ,we knew
Right away that you are the one!!! So we settled down her for the sake of courting you !> then a sad and low voice was heard < but you're heartlessly refused our proposals too ! >
< when was I even refused your proposals? You guys assuming things on your own > she's muttered lowly , and pouting!!!! Yes-~ kakanya the great pouting and acting like a spoiled child. Thanks to the good hearing of the beast sima and jadet can hear kakanya muttered clearly , right now they have some problems controlling their body , paralysed on the spot. Doesn't hear the two replied she's biting her lower lip and gulping the whole jar of her babies down like there're no tomorrow. Intoxicated kakanya started trashing her clothes and things everywhere.
< fuck ! So uncomfortable ~ huuu > the light moan escape her mouth as she's trying to get to her bad without giving attention to the statute guys
< hng ~~~ what's wrong with me ? > trashing on her bad with only a bit of her under clothes successfully grab the attentive gaze from the two. Her soft moan ranging in their eyes like a alluring melody, they gritting their teeth as they felt their restraint are thinner and thinner.
Kakanya tossing in her suitable size bad (for her it size is not too big nor too small) looks at the two hungry beasts in her room , soft moan escape her mouth made the two flinch she's smiling at them then she's calling them over to her bad < come and sit hear !!! > the two flinching again she chuckles ( cute!!! I want to tease them more!!!! ) in her thoughts theses two are like a pair of sheep , cute and harmless but she doesn't seem to know that she's digging her own grave
< yaya's drunk! Let's talk tomorrow! >sima said while dragging his friend who's supposed to talk but couldn't at this moment because lust cloud his rational and he... himself doesn't seem to be different ( it's dangerous!) sima thought and walks outside but a sudden thudding made him look back . What he saw was kakanya sitting on the floor wiping her beautiful eyes, he let go of his friend and carrying kakanya to her bad.
< uncomfortable !! > kakanya sobbing while holding sima tight afraid that if she lets him go now he will really go , for sure.
< where yaya? > sima said with worried in his silver eyes < everywhere is uncomfortable!!! Hngggg ~~> kakanya rubbing her hot body too the cold body of sima and moan uncontrollably make sima face darkening < please! Do something I'm burning inside out! Hik it's so uncomfortable and hurt hik hik > her sudden strange behaviour made him suspicious then a hand robbed her from his arm < she's in her pre-heat > jadet golden eyes was emitting a dangerous yet lustful energy < we have to help her before another beasts come when they smelled her ravishing scent > jadet said with a calm face but deep down sima know that is what this fucker like went here losing his patience. As jadet carry the girl to her bad she's starting to beg again < please!!! It's so uncomfortable , do something?!!!! Hnggggg >
Jadet looks at sima and asked sima < see , she needs us right now? Why are you so hesitant? >
He replied < we are not yet official spouses we can't do this to her it unfair!!! And she definitely refused us. After this she'll hate us even more I can't!!!! > sima clenching his fists
< you heard that babe ! We can't do anything for you right. We don't want you to hate us more than this > jadet said to now stopped crying kakanya. Her next words sends them into the next life < I don't hate you guys!!! If I really hate you , you think I'll invite you guys here, only tribe leader and my dad has ever come too my place and return safely. But look at where you are right now? In my damn bad room!!! And on my damn bad !!! Drinking my 12 years old babies that only my father can have a jar every year. What more do I have to explain to help your dump brains understand my damn hunches ? > she's shouting with all her may , then pouting angrily and refused to look at them
< yaya, dear, babe, wife, I'm sorry that we have dump brains. Can you forgive us for just this one?> jadet coaxing the little one in his arms, begging her to look at him but of course she's angry right now so she doesn't give him a glare. Until a big cool hand lifting her face up too looks directly into a pair of beautiful silver eyes < are you sure about this ,Yaya ? Once we mate , you can't got rid of us ,and don't even dream of having another males, because we're very possessive!!! The males that try to court you will dead by our hand. Are you really okay with this? Answer me ,little one?!> his voice was gentle and alluring but she can sense the warning inside his statement she's nodded at them as the answer but sima doesn't accept that kind of answer < speak , little one !!! > in his dominance tone
< you twos are more than enough for me , I don't need anybody else. Satisfied?! > she yelled out loud in frustration < Umm / good girl > the two replied then giving her kisses all over her face.
< so can you start now? I'll dead at this rate > the heat in her body was stronger then before because of the kisses early
< don't worried babe/ little one , we have all night long > sima and jadet voices was deeper and huskier than before. She's staring at the two hungrily as they pelted their clothes off perfect outline toned muscle , matched perfectly with their tanned skin made them look even more delicious. But what catches her sights the most is the legs between their things. How the hell is that a dick??? Those things can be a weapon!!! That monster size isn't enough why's sima have two dicks ?!!! Fuck !!! Will I survive in this calamity????? Father help your beautiful daughter will dead if those things inter her sacred place!!!!!!


Ehem!!!! I'm back guys , sorry for the wait ,as I needed to finish my assignments so I don't have enough time to write this.
Let's us pray for yaya in the next chapter!!!!🥴🥴
Anyway enjoy 😉

KAKANYA  THE FEMALE Where stories live. Discover now