14. You meanies

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< fuck?! You gotta be kidding me?!!! Hell Nooooo> the small girl grabbing and pulling her hair like crazy, suddenly, a big cold hand stopped her from harming herself more then this ,concern flashed through his eyes
<Don't do that!!! What's wrong?!! Why are you harming yourself?!! >
The girl stopped but her soul was nowhere to be found so the guys turning to the culprit, or at least the cause of this with cold eyes
< spill everything, before I eat you alive!!! >
< I- I'll spill everything please don't eat me!!!! > the little pitiful guys whose got threatening by the guys stuttering < T-The princes i-is coming!!!! An-and the highnesses give off the official latter that ( Don't even think of running anymore little kitten , before we respected your choice but you broke our trust so we'll held you responsible for it. ) that's what I received from t- the scouting group. >
Sima and Jadet listening attentively as time passed the gloom on their faces was uglier ( those bastards , dared to threatening my wife. Those barely fifths level beasts of the royal line!!!! Should we erased the royal from this continent?!!!! )they thought.
At night time ,kakanya finally managed to calm herself down and decided to spill everything to her spouses as she knows they are concerned and frustrated about her abnormalities.
< when I was 14 ,I met those fucking princes on one of my missions, I rescued them and take them to my dad.  At some point, when those shit finally woke up and theirs obsession started. They demanded me to take them as my spouses and that made me beat the shit out of them. But who know what going on in their sick heads, so I decided to lay rules for those who want to be my mates and when I thought I can be on my own again they crushed my thoughts into pieces > she told them in angry and agitated voices , before continues < Kang and Sig that shit bothering me every years, since I can't just kill them for beast king sake. so their arrogance grows to the point I can't stand them and decide to flee to calm my head off before I gone mad for sure,but who knows those shit started to went mad and kill everyone who went near me. And Now that they knew you were my spouses I don't know what those sick heads will do when they meet us . Fuck !!!! > while cursing she felt the air surround them colder and a pairs of hand catching her palms
< little one, what's there to worried about?! I'm here , Jadet's here too. > as Sima soothing the girl Jadet voice made the two look at him
< yes! With us here, those trash can't do whatever they want. Babe don't worried we are stronger than you think. If you want we can make the beast king tribe disappear without a trace, nothing can harm you my dear!!! > Jadet kissing the back of kakanya's hand then he placed his face on her palms, his golden eyes made yaya mind a little bit clearer
< right! How can mere beasts win against my spouses!!! I'm sorry my dears , I can't control my emotions for a moment. >kakanya kisses Jadet forehead then kiss Sima's lip to make them ease up
< ugh!> < ouch!!! > < huhh?!!> as she's rubbing her belly Her eyes sparkles
< wh-what's wrong dear/little one?!> the guys went on panic mood, their faces was paler then her palms at that moment made the girl giggling
< I'm fine ,my dears. > she's replied
< re-really?!! > Jadet asked
< yeah! Now give me your hand> Jadet quickly hand his hands over like a good dog but.....
< I only need one my dear! You hand are quite heavy so don't put your entire weight on me > her blunts words made the good dog whipping but she's brushed off
< now , Sima give me your hand too my dear! > Sima put his big cool palm on her.
Her next actions made the twos pairs of eyes shining and sparkling , theirs eyes and mouths can't close anymore as their excitement breaks through the roof.
< I felt them quite a while now. My womb will became a battlefield at this rate. So stop your pups my dear husbands> kakanya smile softly at the two as they caressing her probing belly with adoration
< pups! Don't bothering your mother! Wait till you come out dad will make a big field for you to play okay!!! > Jadet simply ways of coaxing made yaya and sima laughing
< there~there my dears!!! If you don't behave I will teach you a good lesson later !!! > as soon as Sima voice fell her belly was finally at ease , but the beauty still frowned, her emotions was odd so the guys ask
< anything else bothering you little one?!! > Sima soothing voice woke her up from her waves of emotions
< they're in my womb doing nothing besides kicking , eating and sleeping , yet not even one they listen to me . But just one sentence from you they quiet down like the obedience pups!!!! This is so freaking unfair!!!! > her complaint made the two giggling ( my wife is so cute) Jadet thought but doesn't dares to blur out
< my dear little wife!!! I will discipline those brats for you when the come out, okay?!! Now, it's time for medicine and your favorite bone soup my dear!! Let's us eat dinner together, alright?! > as Sima ended the sentence little fries carrying the food and a bowl of medicine to their tent and setting up the table
< Alright ! Let's eat first!!! Or else Soon enough your pups will eat me because of the lack of food. Heheehe!! > yaya drag Sima and Jadet towards the table. Then started to devo.... no eat her food to the fullest without a care to her images.
1 hour later ....
Yaya caressing her now bloated stomach , while the guys arranging their bed for the night.
< dears! Come here! > yaya's waving her hand , yawning lazily on the couch nearby
< sleepy?! > Sima carrying her to their bed then kissing her hair
< umm~ > her sleepy eyes me the golden ones
< alright! But you have to finish your medicines for tonight. > Jadet handed over a bowl of black medicine to his wife < come on ! You want to sleep, don't you? And here's your candy, I got a big one for you too !!!> a big red candy appears on her other hand
< FINE! > she's gulping down the medicine in one breath ,then she's drinking some water ,before munching on her candy with unpleasant eyes.
< good girl! > Jadet shower his kisses all over her face
< can I sleep now ?! > yaya asked innocently while rubbing her eyes
< yeah! But before that spits out the candy my dear , you said, eat sweet before bed damaging your teeth, remember?! > Sima playful sentences slapping her reality, she's pouting and mumbling by herself before spitting her candy out
< you meanies !!! > her sentence making the two laughing loudly at their embarrassing little lady
( I don't know why, but yaya is cuter and prettier day by day , and she's seemingly depended on us more than before, thanks to her mood swings. That's was shocking news, but quite adorable) Sima snapped out off his thoughts by pitiful whining of Jadet , who's currently on the ground.
(they're adorable!My partners, my precious families.) unknown to Sima, a smile appears on his face as he walks to them.
I'm sorry loves, for all the wait. I'm quite busy recently as my final exam are on my neck.
And again my English aren't good, for some unintentional ,intentional or unknown mistakes. Hope you don't mind that. I'm not a professional writer, this is just my passion to write down some of my wild imagination. And my dears, before I am a writer, I too am a passionate reader.
Thanks again for the wait and understanding, enjoy
# Lilacfragment

KAKANYA  THE FEMALE Where stories live. Discover now