17. The little female , babies!?

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< yaya don't push yourself too hard , you're with pups! Lay down and rest , I can take care of Jadet!> Sima said with concerns as he drag his wife to the couch nearby
< if you too falls sick ,I don't even know what crazy things I'm gonna do! So you better listen to me !! > his threat of a voice fall as he senses her discontent
< alright! > yaya let out a heavy breathing before obediently close her eyes. Maybe because she really tired after barely taking care of her spouse or because she's pregnant. before long she's dozing off to her dreamland , but her brows still twisted.
Seeing his pregnant wife likes this made sima frowned tightly. He grab the blanket nearby to cover her, then he bents down to kiss her forehead whispered
<Sleep tight, my lovely little one>
With a gleam in his eyes he walks out of the tent with his expressionless face , those who saw him like this quickly put their heads down, fear in their eyes. They thought ( oh god! Boss come and grab your crazy husband back! We don't wanna die just yet!!!)
... in another tent
< she's asleep?> a hoarse voice asked the white figure, as he enters his tent
< yes! > the figure answer
< tell me what's happen?! > he asked
< The tide is coming Sima!> Jadet replied with an ugly expression <and those fucking princes will be here around noon!>
< what's about the tides? >
< we have 3-5 days at most. And the tides this time is larger than the tides 5 years ago, I observed them for awhile before I got discovered by their queen! > Jadet said in a low voice but Sima can hear it clearly. Sima face turn black
< we don't have enough time to escape this tide. > Sima said calmly but his voice was deeper and harsher than a while ago, the temperature dropped as both the males start to plan to defend against the tide.
... in the afternoon yaya wake up feeling exhausted and quiet hungry, so she's decided to drag her big belly to go outside , because there's no one around.
Something is wrong here! Where the heck are they?
~~hiss hiss~~ ~~aww awww~~ hissing and whining sound brought her attention to the bushes nearby. Curiosity gets the best of her again as she walk there with a hint of hesitation, but to her surprise inside the bushes there were a nest of fur and cute little heads of the hatchlings was looking at her too. In Those eyes there were no wariness or aggressiveness of the newborns but it's full of love and as she got closer the circle of newborns dispersed, a cute innocent gaze of a baby girl looking at her -no the baby was spreading her arms for her to pick her up and so she did.
~mama please take a good care of yourself ~ the seemingly newborn baby girl talking to her in her milky voice made yaya trembling slightly as she realizes
[I will babies, mama will take a good care of myself till we meet again, mama promise]
~Papas is here~ the girl said ~ bye mama!~ as she said so everything turned white.

< Yaya Yaya wake up! I'm back > gentle and low rumbling sounds wake her up from her dream as she shouted
< babies...! >
< babies? > the guys puzzle, tilting their heads to examine her condition, seeing them like this Yaya came back to her sense
< Jadet?! My husband why are you like this? > Jadet conditions , Yaya knew a little about it ,but heard and seeing the bruises black and blue on her man handsome face made her blood boil
< I got in to a little bit of trouble with those bastards and I was unlucky enough to encounter the beasts along the way > Jadet answered with an aggrieved expression and that make the poor guy look more pitiful in his spouse eyes , but another pair of eyes were flashed with helplessness as he gritted his teeth ( what a big male you are to still do this kind of act to attract pity from the female , ain't you ashamed of yourself?)
< where are those brats?> kakanya get up from her bed and start walking out of the tent  .immediately Sima grab a fur coat and draped on her shoulders softly while he said
< it's cool outside, careful little one >
Jadet echoed < yes babe, our little Cubs is inside you, you better take care of yourself >
As he said so yaya stopped on her track as she tried to calm down her agitation but then she heard a flirty voice shouting at her direction
< Darling , so this is where you are? I missed you so muc.... ackkkkk! > before he finished his sentences , he was kicked 5m away to where he came from. By who you asked? Of course it's by our freaking furious little female.
The crowd was speechless by this development, especially Sima and Jadet whose heart and soul was almost jumped out of their body ( oh god! Our little female is awesome and strong but she's with Cubs!!! )
< Yaya my dear are you okay? Oh god , please calm down. You've Cubs in here remember?! Let's us take care of those little things, don't harm your health!> Jadet called out while Sima spinning around her just to make sure she's ok.
< I'm okay, but ... you came back here you fuckers !!! > as her voice falls countless eyes falls on the escape figures
< ...Yaya , have mercy !~>the tallest male among the group said softly
< Gi! You stay out of this! > her cold voice made the male pale as he decided to shut up.
Yaya smile evilly as she approached them < who among you brats touched my man?! > she asked but her pair of eyes never left this group as she gulp down everything out of usual from them.
< Darling, we were sparing, those little bruises was nothing to us males and look... ain't I the same as him ?> the blonde one spoke while taking the fur off his body to show of the bruises with pitiful appearance but the female nexts sentences almost made this guy vomiting blood
< I don't care who's injured, but I will fucked up those who touch my mans !!! And you brats had crossed the line > she grab the male neck as she spoke with heavy tune that made the males trembling
< Y-Yaya we really just sparing, you can asked him ! > the black hair male stutter and shot a glance at Jadet behind her with resentment
< it's seem you still don't know your mistakes! Let's me helps you brats remember my rule first then > as she spoke , she punched the male in her hand and then tossed him aside before she grab another one and her speech continue < let's beat you up first before we continue ! > with another male down Yaya transform , her flexible and strong body made the males cannot defended themselves properly especially with her stunning speed and poisonous wing the group of 20 males falls down one after another with nowhere to escape.
30 minutes later
after she's satisfied, she's transformed back with all her glory as her males hurried to wrap her up with her coat fur and carry her back to their tent. The crowd was dispersed not long after leaving only a few beastman to carry out the injured males.
In the tent kakanya who was ruthless early was sleeping with a satisfying smile on her face ,the males let's out a big breath as if it been holding in for quite some times, their relief expression was understandable in the early fight their pregnant little mate mercilessly went in frenzy and they couldn't interfere but they were highly alerted and their eyes never left her sight.
Seeing her peaceful smile they were quite proud and anxious at the same time ,because they knew , their little female would probably join this war against the tides of beasts, and that will endanger her and the Cubs for sure. That's why they as her males have to think of the solution  before something bad happens.

Sorry for the delay and again English is not my native language , so please my dears don't mind my bad grammar , I'll try to improve them once this story is completed.

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