15. Teasing a cute little fox

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< dear! Come on ~ you said you want a ride,right? Hurry up > Jadet whining in his wolf form at the girl , her adoring eyes shining brightly at the huge fluffy figure before her
< Beautiful!!! I never notice that you have such a beautiful silver hair my dear! This blindly fluffy fur is so shiny and comfortable~> the girl hugging the  huge wolf while rubbing her face to the fluffy mattress
< usually I my fur look like silver because my mama is a grey she wolf , in took after her fur color but my fur is special than her as I can change my fur color like my papa, the alpha. But ,I prefer my original color silver-grey fur that why you don't get to see the changes. > Jadet voices was deeper in his wolf explaining to his mate while wagging his tail like a big big dog
Yaya letting out a soft chuckles while busy rubbing his fur < I would like to see those when we got the chance, my dear!! Now is not the time for us to flirting ,you see?!~~fufufu,~~~>
< Umm ~ climp up babe, I will take you to our destination ~~~> Jadet lay down to the ground as the sign for his mate to sit on his fluffy back
< then ,I will be in your care,my dear~~~ >
< those are the things that father needs , with this amount we don't have to go around and gather them for at least 1 year. >said kakanya while looking at the  small mountain of  grasses and medicine and then she's continuing < thanks pop! Happy transition >
The guy named pop smile back at her < happy transition!!! But it's a bit sad though, you're already a momma ~ and here I thought you will stay as a lone beast forever ~~~ so what's made you change your mind, my friend? ~~> he said in teasing gesture with a big smirk on hit face
< well ~ even I myself can't believe this , but here I am , knocked up beautifully even before my coming of age ceremony, and I fool around without knowing that theirs seeds were this effective, look in just a month my stomach bloated like this ~!> not bothering by the teasing, she's showing off her bloated stomach in a very proud way , especially when she saw her friend dumb faces < fufufu~ let's go dears!!! My friend here's needed some time to process her in her beautiful head ~>
< Okay! > both her husbands can't hide theirs creepy smiling face and do as her command immediately
< hey pop! I'm gonna be free around noon , come to me with the < gift > and I will answer to any of your questions ~! Now now my dears ,let's us go back ~ I'm hungry > laying lazily in Sima embrace then she's yawning with sleepy eyes
< Umm~> Sima nodded then he transforms into his naga form ( half snake half human ) gently moving to their harmonies tent.

On their way back kakanya who is so tired early were so energetic, ordering Jadet around to buys everything that catch her interests. Before she realized, both Jadet and Sima hand were full of things. Looking at the funny posture of the two ,she can't control her laughter anymore and bursting out loud.
< heheehe >_<. >
< why are you laughing? > Sima asked dumbly
< I laugh at your stiff posture ~ > she's whispering lowly to herself before answering them
< it's nothing! I'm hungry ~I want to eat rabbits and eggs > glaring at them pitifully
< when we get back I will go hunting and get some for you, anything else?> Sima coaxing her softly
< I want some sour fruits too and don't forget to skin the rabbits before brought it back ,okay? I very sensitive to the smell of blood recently >
< Got it ! > Sima replied
< what's about me ? > Jadet asked innocently
< oh ~ I have and important work for you my dear! > she's pinching his leaning face adoringly
< you are the fastest among us , so , I want you to track down the princes whereabouts and the situation there > with her serious tone , Jadet listen attentively < I don't like doing risky things , so we better prepare ourselves before those idiots get here >
< okay! > with a glommed face his replied
< that's for our pups safety, those idiots will not cool headed if they knew I'm pregnant, and it's for our pups safety > her cool demeanor appears with her strict tone catches the gleam of the guys eyes
< I will bring the news back as soon as possible ,my wife> Jadet's kneeling on the ground then kissing her bulging stomach several times, before stand up and planting his kiss all over her little face .
His reassuring words come out as his eyes darkening < I'll be back!! >
Watching Jadet set off , a sigh of relief comes out.
< we should head back as well ! > Sima said softly, then yaya responded by a < umm~ >

As soon as the sun goes down , yaya could see a group heading to her direction. But in a sec her attention were on her delicious meals again
< yaya~ someone's here ! > Sima tell her
< I know who it is, so you don't need to be on guard, my dear !> she's replying while signaling the group to came in
< and here I thought , he's gonna crushed me to death. Those beasts, why the fuck are they so territorial?! > as soon as the sweet voice broke out two girls appear with a group of males behind them
< yooo~ so you here as well Dika?! I thought you can't come this year ?! > with her teasing smile the dark skin girl curl herself up her ears turn red
< I'm not that delicate! > then she's shouting out at yaya
< I don't says anything though, what with this denial of your , my lady? > slyly smirking at the girl with her expression ( I knew you , little girl)
< don't tease her too much or else she'll faint again , who gonna cures her, since her daddy Pali isn't here ?!! > Pop slyly giggling at the girl flustered expression , winking at kakanya to continue
< well~ who can resist this girl cute apparent , huh? Looks her face is about to explode again!!! Heheehe!!! > both Pop and kakanya laughing without a care of their surroundings
< Y-You ....!!!! Both of you !!!! Ahhhhhhh > Dika hide her face with her palms as she don't have any words to counterattack them back , right now , not only her face but her entire body was red like ripen tomato. ( you both are too much , I want to refund my good heart as a friend back !!!! Pali where are you?!! They are bullying me again, hurry up and save me ~ hik hik ) she fought with herself in her mind and cursing her mates
< oh my ~Daki, what's there to shy about?!! You have 12 males and still act like a virgin?! You should be proud ,both I and yaya can't even compare to you!!! Come on tell us your little secrets, we are friends ,aren't we ?> Pop words this this made the girl trembling like a soaking child under the rain
< waaaaaaaaa~~~~ hik hik you both are too much , waaaa> the girl sniffing and sobbing voices alert her males outside , they rushes in like the group of bull they are. The scene was quite amusing to the girls as they continue to tease her
< darling~ what is there to cry for? Look at how work up your daddys are !! > Pop sly tongue continues to roast the girl to the point she weeping in her arm in embarrassment
< hik , I won't careless anymore, so can you both stop mentioning about that ?!! I'm your friend too , why are you both like to tease me so much ?! Waaa >
< that can't do! We still want to see more of your fierce sides ~~~ ahhhh~~ I remember that day so clearly that I come to tell myself that Even I can't beat you in that field ~ hashasha.. our sweet tomato turning in to a sexy seductive fox was quite a candy to the eyes ~> this time yaya dropped a bomb at the girl made her want to burying her head to death between Pop huge breasts ( waaaaa~ my dark secret!!! My damn crazy self!!!why are you humiliating me till today - waaaaa , Pali help me ....... ) Daki mind was in chaos
< fufufu~~ look she's gonna faint at this rate if this continues > Pop said while give yaya a wink
< I want to see her embarrassing face again and again but I don't have the heart to make her faint again fufufu~~~ > the girl sing and song in the same tone quite satisfied with their performance, the males beside them was speechless, all they can think is how terrifying those females are even they will death with embarrassment if they were attacking like this. ( our Daki is so pitiful, yet so adorable) Daki's males worried about her but they knew that this is just this group of friends usually communicate, and those three were inseparable because they love each other so much that their males was quite jealous at their interactions.

Hi guys!!!! I'm back , sorry for the late update and hope you enjoy this chapter as well.
See you soon , my final exam was about to end ,so I will free till January and I will try to release as much as possible before I start to busy with my work again.

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