🤒Sick Days🤒

678 7 19

Ship: Platonic Zailey

It was a blustery Sunday evening, with heavy winds and continuous pouring rain that you could hear from inside. Right now, flu season was going around Rosemeadow like a virus, hitting one person to the next and so on and so forth.

Unfortunately, Zander got unlucky and was stuck indoors, incredibly sick. His nose kept on running and would be blocked on several moments, he felt drowsy and sometimes even dizzy, his head hurt, and during it all, Zander just didn't feel like doing anything.

Zander laid inside his bed covers, shivering as the house felt insanely cold. He could feel the goosebumps on his arms. He groaned to himself in annoyance before he heard a knock on his bedroom door.

"Come in.." Zander muttered softly, trying not to speak too loudly as his throat hurt. Opening the door, his big sister, Hailey, peered her head inside, looking in with a little sarcastic smile.

"Hey dork!" She said, with a grin. Zander couldn't help but roll his eyes as Hailey walked in. In her hands, she held a little bowl that Zander could see little bits of steam arise from.

"What are you doing here?" Zander asked, watching Hailey shut the door behind her.

"Oh, Mom made some vegetable soup for you. She asked me to bring it up to you." Hailey replied, walking over to the bed. Zander sniffled a little before responding.

"Oh, right. Just put it on my bedside." Zander said, signalling over to where Hailey should place the bowl. Instead of putting the bowl down, Hailey chuckled a little before sitting herself down onto Zander's covers, facing him. Zander became confused at the action.

"What are you doing?" He questioned with a puzzled expression. Hailey gave the soup a tiny stir before opening her mouth to answer.

"I decided that I'll help you eat your soup. I'll feed you, little brother!"

Hailey responded with a little wink. Zander's cheeks flushed out of embarrassment. "Tiny, you don't have to call me 'little brother'.."

Hailey rolled her eyes in amusement. "Why not? You are my little brother. And you call me 'Tiny' sometimes."

A tut left Zander's lips as he crossed his arms along with it. "That's because that's your nickname. The whole family, but Bethany, calls you that. Also, I'm your little brother only by a month and 15 days.."

A smirk approached Hailey's countenance. "It still counts!"

"Whatever. And you don't need to feed me. I can feed myself." Zander said with clear irritation coming from his statement.

Hailey shook her head in disagreement. "I don't think so, Zan. I'll feed you."

With that, Hailey dipped the spoon into the bowl of soup and got a spoonful ready. She carefully lifted it up and gave it a blow, cooling it down to avoid Zander's tongue from being burnt.

"Alright Zander. Open wide!" Hailey exclaimed with a comforting smile. She held it near Zander's mouth and waited for him to do what she said, but Zander looked away in frustration, still embarrassed.

"Hailey, you really don't have to feed me. I'm not a baby. I can do this myself." Hailey sighed gently at Zander's words.

"Oh c'mon, Alexzander..I know you're not a baby, but you're my baby brother and it's my job to take care of him when he needs it."

Zander's eyes went a bit wide upon hearing what Hailey said. He blushed a little, rubbing his arm. Usually, he was the one being protective or insisting to take care of Hailey.

"Please, Zander. Let me take care of you. I want to look after you, just like how you've always looked after me.." Hailey said, with a soft expression. Zander glanced back at her, making eye-contact. "Please, eat the soup..For me..?"

Hailey asked, showing off her puppy eyes that she has been using on Zander since childhood. And ever since, he wasn't able to say no to her when she would use it. After hearing the sweet words that came out of his sister, a beam appeared on the corners of Zander's lips.

"Ok, sis..I will." Hailey grinned at the response. Zander opened his mouth and Hailey put the spoon in, taking it out right after Zander had taken the soup in his mouth, drinking it down. Hailey giggled at this and dipped the spoon back into the bowl, getting another spoonful.

Throughout that evening, Hailey stayed by her brother's side and promised to take care of him until he felt and got better. She wanted to be there for him during his bad times, just like how Zander was always there for her during her bad times.


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