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Ship: Platonic Jamilly

Milly ran out into the school garden, her legs running as fast as they could carry her. Tears were welling up in her eyes, making her vision quite blurry, but she managed. Milly blinked back the tears as best as she could before she made it to a little bench, situated out in the broad daylight.

Milly sat herself down sadly onto the bench, rubbing an eye and its tears away with her arm. Little hiccups left her mouth, becoming a bit more frequent by the minute. Milly tried to slow her breathing down, but nothing was working.

You may be wondering why Milly is exactly feeling this way. Well, what happened was, Zoey had been bullying Milly once again, to the point where the harassment became excessive. Milly couldn't take it anymore and got physical with Zoey...again. Of course, Milly got in trouble and had gotten an after school detention.

The teachers threatened Milly about her being expelled if she keeps this up. However with Zoey, she got away scott free, where people thought Zoey did nothing wrong and that Milly was simply provoking Zoey for no reason.

The emotions soon hit Milly as she sobbed quietly into her palms, her knees up against her chest. She hated how unfair this was. Zoey, along with Drew, are able to do whatever the hell they want to her, yet when Milly stands up for herself and does something about it, then it's a problem and she gets into trouble. She hated them. She hated them all.

Five minutes went on by with Milly crying to herself. She didn't want to go to detention after school. The music club were about to comfort her but Milly ran off before they could.

All of a sudden, Milly felt a hand on her shoulder. She removed her face from her palms as her irises became large with shock. She glanced over her collarbone and was surprised to see Jake, looking at her with a concerned expression.

"Milly? Are you alright?" Jake asked her as Milly sniffled a little and scoffed.

"Does it look like I'm alright?" Jake held onto his neck, gazing at the ground.

"N-No.." He murmured quietly as Milly turned her head away.

"What are you doing here..?" Milly questioned him. Jake then decided to sit down next to the girl, which Milly didn't notice since she was not facing him.

"I..wanted to make sure you were okay. Y'know, since you ran off?"

Milly brushed her hand against her nose. "I-I'm fine.." Jake laid his palm onto Milly's shoulder again.

"Mills, I'm worried. You're my best friend, and...it hurts me to see you upset. If someone hurts your feelings..they hurt mine.."

Milly whipped her head around to face Jake, meeting his brown chestnut eyes that gave her a warm sense of comfort. "Listen Milly Billy, I know you're upset right now, but trust me. Everything will be alright. I'll stop at nothing until there's a smile on your face.."

Milly couldn't help but beam at Jake's considerate and kind words. "Aw Jake..Thank you. You're too nice.." Milly replied, feeling Jake wipe away the rest of her tears. He gave her a loving smile.

"No need to thank me. I'll always be there, Mills."

Milly then suddenly pulled Jake into an embrace, snuggling into his shoulder. Jake smiled at the contact and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back.

"You'll always be my best friend, Milly.."

"And you'll always be my best friend, Jake.."


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