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Ship: Platonic Zailey

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. The sun was shining ablaze across Rosemeadow, streaking its warmth along the atmosphere with little gusts of the cool breeze flowing here and there.

Two siblings, that were Zander and Hailey, were in a flower field that their parents had taken them to for a small outing. The kids were 8 years old of age and of course, were pretty energetic. Their parents, Michael and Shannon rested on a bench, watching their kids in adoration as Michael wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulder.

"Would you just look at them? They get along so well.." Michael pointed out, getting Shannon's attention.

"I know Mikey dear..I was so afraid Alex wouldn't get along well with Hailey. He isn't the best with kids around his age. It's so heartwarming to see our children get along.."

Michael smiled at his spouse and kissed her forehead affectionately. "I love you Shan.."

Shannon smiled at her husband and snuggled into him. "I love you too Mikey.."

Meanwhile with the siblings, Hailey was over at a bush of tulips, examining each one carefully. Her two pigtails flowed with the wind as she kept her gaze onto the flowers.

See, what was happening here was that Hailey had decided on a little game for herself and her brother. They were to go around the flower field and pick eachother a specific flower that they thought suited the other. Right now, Hailey had her eyes set on a gorgeous purple tulip.

"Purple is Zandy's favourite colour, and the tulip is pretty, smells good, and is purple! Just like him.."

Hailey smiled to herself in her thoughts before she came to a decision. With that, she leaned her hand over to the tulip and plucked it out gently from its roots. "Zandy will love this!"

Hailey then giggled and skipped along away from the tulips and its many colours. She held onto the precious flower in her grasp and looked around for Zander. She was excited to give him the flower. After a few minutes of searching, her eyes caught Zander walking away from a batch of flowers. It seemed like he also had one in his hand.

Hailey beamed at the sight of her brother and speedily went over to him. Once she was near him, she brought him into a massive hug, jumping into his arms. "Hi Zandy! I found a flower for you!" Hailey exclaimed excitedly as Zander was taken aback from the sudden embrace.

"Woah, Tiny..Take it easy.." Zander said, a small laugh following along. Hailey broke the hug upon hearing him.

"Sorry sorry!" Hailey apologised sheepishly. "Anyway! I picked a special flower for you that I think really suits you!"

Zander grinned and rolled his eyes in amusement. "I found one for you too.."

Hearing that, Hailey slowly revealed the flower from behind and showed off the beautiful tulip that radiated its breathtaking purple hue. "I picked a purple tulip for you, because it's purple like you, smells amazing like you, and it's pretty like you! Not to mention, I know purple is your favourite colour!"

Zander's heart leaped in awe at his sister's sweetness. He smiled as his cheeks went red. He took the flower from her palm and sniffed it, breathing in the lovely scent. "Thank you, sis.."

"So..What did you get for me?!" Hailey asked, squealing in excitement. Zander proceeded to reveal the chosen flower he picked from behind his back and held it out to her. Hailey's eyes widened and sparkled in admiration.

"A pink rose...? Pink roses are...my favourite flower.." Hailey spoke out, placing both her palms onto her chest.

Zander chuckled at her reaction. "I know! That's why I picked it for you..It suits you..and like you said, not to mention, I know pink is your favourite colour.."

Hailey took the flower from Zander's hand and took a whiff of it as well. "Thank you, Zander!" Zander held out his arms for a little hug.

"Go ahead.." He murmured quietly, knowing he wasn't the biggest fan of hugs, but he loved his sister, more than anything.

Hailey beamed and wrapped her arms around Zander's neck, hugging him tightly. "You're the best brother ever!"

Zander grinned and blushed lightly at the compliment. "And you're the best sister ever.."


♡Platonic Jamilly/Zailey Oneshots♡ || The Music Freaks ||Where stories live. Discover now