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Ship: Platonic Jamilly

"I'm not jealous. I am NOT jealous.." Milly muttered to herself quietly, an angered expression making itself known to others on her face. Behind her eyes held a fiery, red glare, which could send shivers down anyone's spine. People that walked by swore they didn't see the pink-haired devil blink as she kept her gaze fixated on a particular person.

"Christ, are you still staring at them..?" A sudden voice spoke out, startling Milly out of her glare.

"N-No! I'm not..!" Milly snapped back, her fingers intertwining with eachother. "It's something else I'm looking at. Don't get the wrong idea, Hailey.."

"Right.." Hailey rolled her eyes, knowing fully well that she didn't believe a word Milly said in defense. "Mills, you've been staring at Jake and Drew for a long time now. You seem to be glaring at Drew for some odd reason. What's up with that..? Do you not like them hanging out or something? You do know the two of them are best friends, right?"

Best friends.

Best. Friends.

Hearing those two words come out of Hailey's mouth made Milly's angry arise all the more. Hailey could hear the girl scowl, and she caught onto the fact that Milly made that noise as soon as she addressed Jake and Drew as best friends.

Upon realising it, a smirk crept along the sides of Hailey's lips. She giggled, causing Milly to become confused at this when she heard it.

"So Milly, something tells me that maybe, just maybe, you're feeling a teensy bit jealous of Jake and Drew's friendship..?" Hailey asked her bandmate in a teasing manner, making her eyes widen and her cheeks blush a light shade of red.

"W-What?! No I'm not! That's BS, Hailey!" Milly spat out, laughing nervously. "I mean, why on good God's earth would I be jealous of them?"

Hailey chuckled at the reply, scooting herself closer to her friend. "Maybe it's because..you're specifically jealous of Drew and his close friendship with Jake..?"

Milly nearly did a gasp, absolutely bewildered at how Hailey was able to catch onto her behaviour just like that. She was good. Milly was left speechless for about a minute as she stood there helpless. Hailey continued to stare at her, a smug grin shown on her countenance.

"Well, how about it Millicent? Am I right..?" Hailey questioned, much to Milly's annoyance.

"Why do you..always have to be right..?" Milly huffed out, kicking the floor in frustration. This remark made Hailey laugh, quite surprised at the fact that she was correct about Milly's jealousy. Truth be told, Hailey only asked her just to tease her a little bit.

"So, it's true? You're feeling a bit jealous? How come?" Milly sighed hearing Hailey's question, scratching her head in confusion. She figured she may as well be honest about how she was feeling at the moment.

"I..I guess you could say that..I wanna be Jake's best friend you know? The two of us have such a blast together! I don't know, I mean. I just can't help but feel jealous whenever I see somebody else have Jake's friendship. I understand he is allowed to have his own friends. Of course he is. Who am I to decide that? I don't know, Hails..I don't understand myself.."

Hailey's eyes darkened with worry as Milly frowned. Milly wasn't able to stop herself from feeling jealous whenever she saw Jake being so close and having such a good bond with somebody else. She thought that maybe she was being selfish.

"Aww, Milly...It's alright..We can all feel jealous sometimes.." Hailey rubbed Milly's shoulder, giving her a warm feeling of comfort. "However, I believe Jake sees you as one of his closest friends.."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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