📿Friendship Bracelets📿

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Ship: Platonic Jamilly

Milly hurriedly ran into the school one Tuesday morning. She had never made it to school this early before. She was actually feeling pretty excited to be in school today. The reason being is because she had a little surprise for a special someone in her life. Her best friend, Jake Sterling.

Once inside, Milly looked around in a haste for Jake. She wanted to give the gift she had for him before classes. After a few seconds, she took notice of her friend and bandmate Sean, who was at his locker. Milly decided to ask him if he knew where Jake was or if he had seen him.

"Sean! Hi!" Milly waved with a smile, walking over to him.

Sean glanced over and beamed at the sight of the guitarist. "Hey Mills! How are you?"

Milly chuckled at the question. "I'm grand, thanks! Say, I need to ask you something."

Sean closed his locker and leaned against it. "What's up?" Milly decided to lean against the lockers as well.

"Ok, so. I'm looking for Mr. Jakey Boy. See, I've got him a small something and I want to give it to him before class starts."

With that, Milly took out two beautiful, beaded friendship bracelets from her pocket, displaying it to the DJ. "I..bought them last night, and I want to give one to Jake. 'Cause, he's my homeboy and best friend..He's got me through so much, and I've never had such a close bond with anyone else like him before. So, have you seen him anywhere?"

Sean grinned softly at Milly's kindness. "Oh, Milly..That's so sweet of you to do. Jake will love it! And yes, I saw Jake pass by the lockers over there. I'm assuming that he's gone to his own locker."

Milly placed the bracelets back into her pocket and smiled at Sean. "Thanks Sean!" I can always count on you!" Milly thanked him, walking off with a wink.

Sean waved at her. "No problem!"

Within minutes, Milly had soon found Jake, and sure enough, the blonde-haired singer was at his locker, but he wasn't alone. Milly noticed that Jake was with Drew, where the two boys were engaging in a conversation.

Milly's hands turned into fists as she scowled. She hadn't told anyone at all, but recently, Milly had been feeling jealous over Drew and his friendship with Jake. She knows she shouldn't be jealous but she couldn't help it. She knows Drew has known Jake longer, but sometimes, she wished she could have Jake's friendship all to herself.

"I could be a better best friend than him...I could do the shit that he never did.."

Milly told herself angrily in her thoughts, crossing her arms in frustration, glaring at Drew in jealousy, unbeknownst to him. It wasn't long before Drew soon left Jake, ending his conversation with him. Milly grinned at that and happily strolled over to her best buddy.

Jake had just finished waving at Drew before suddenly feeling someone jump onto his back. "Woah! What the?!" Jake exclaimed, looking back. Milly smirked at him, booping his nose in the process.

"Hey Jakey Boy!" Milly exclaimed, hugging him tightly. Jake laughed and smiled warmly.

"Hello to you too Milly Billy!" Jake replied, holding onto her arms that were draped around his neck.

Milly then got down from Jake's back, watching Jake turn around to face her. "How's my bestest friend doing today?" Milly asked, earning a chuckle from Jake.

"Doing pretty well, dearest Millicent. How are you?"

Milly rolled her eyes with a smirk. "I'm just fine Jakey!"

Jake then proceeded to wrap an arm around Milly's shoulder, ruffling her hair playfully. "Hey! Quit it!" Milly laughed out, hearing Jake laugh as well. He soon let Milly out of his grasp as the two friends laughed. Mere seconds flew by before Milly opened her mouth to say something.

"Hey, um Jake? I..actually have a little gift for you..I got it last night.." Jake's eyes widened.

"You got a gift..for me?" Jake questioned, completely surprised.

Milly sheepishly giggled. "Uh, yep! I sure did. Here.."

Milly then took out the friendship bracelet from her pocket once again and showed it to him. Jake gazed at it in awe, his cheeks slightly blushing. "I..got friendship bracelets for the two of us..There's one for me as well.." Milly revealed her bracelet out from her pocket, showing it off to Jake as well.

"Jake, you're my best friend and person. I have never had this kind of close friendship with anyone like this before. So, I wanted to give you something as a token of our friendship."

Milly said, hoping Jake would accept her gift. Jake slowly held his palm out and took the bracelet into his grasp, admiring it. "Oh, Milly Billy..It's beautiful..I love it!" Jake replied in happiness. Milly beamed at his reply, glad that he liked the present.

Milly watched in adoration as Jake placed the bracelet onto his wrist. Seeing that, Milly decided to do the same by putting her own onto her wrist. "They match!" Milly pointed out, causing Jake to grin.

"We'll always be best friends, Milly.." Jake said softly. Milly laughed happily and pounced on him, bringing him into a huge hug. Jake chuckled and hugged her back, wanting their friendship to never change or break.


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