😴Scared To Sleep😴

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Ship: Platonic Jamilly

It was a cold, but clear, Saturday night and the music club, with its members, Jake, Hailey, Milly, Zander, Luke, and Sean were all having a sleepover at Hailey and Zander's house. Michael and Shannon were out for the night while Bethany was out on her own sleepover, leaving the house all to the club.

It was nearly midnight and the music club had just finished a horror movie which did frighten them a bit. But now, it was time for bed so they all had started to get ready. They decided to sleep in the living room where they would sleep in their sleeping bags.

After saying their 'goodnights' and 'sweet dreams' to one another, they switched off the lights and laid themselves down to sleep. A few minutes of silence had passed by as all that could be heard were some shuffles here and there.

We now go to Milly, who was a bit shaken up by the horror movie that the club had watched. Even though, she was the one who suggested that the genre be horror for this movie night, she had started to regret saying it as she couldn't get herself to sleep.

She tossed and turned continuously in her sleeping bag but was constantly awoken by the sounds of noises that would spook her or give her a little scare. Eventually, Milly had given up on trying to get some sleep and just stared at the ceiling, zoning out in the process.

Mere moments had passed by when Milly heard a few noises coming from Jake. It was pretty much giving her the hint that Jake couldn't get to sleep either. Slowly, Milly raised herself up from her sleeping covers, taking her body out.

Milly quietly crawled on her knees to avoid waking anyone up and made her way on over to Jake where she saw him fully under his blanket, covering his entire body. Milly lightly nudged him, hoping to get his attention.

"Jake! Hey Jake!" She whispered quietly.

Jake popped his head out of his covers, meeting Milly's eyes. "Mills? What are you doing? Why aren't you sleeping?" He hushed out.

"I can't get to sleep.." Milly replied, causing Jake to sit up from his sleeping bag quietly.

"Why not..? Are you scared because of the horror movie we watched earlier?" Jake asked with a smug grin, making Milly blush out of embarrassment.

"N-No! I'm not scared! Pfft, I never get scared of horror movies! Why aren't you sleeping, Jakey boy? Are you scared?" Jake started to rub his neck nervously, looking away from Milly's playful smirk.

"Me? Ha! No! I'm not scared at all. That movie was nothing! Heck, even a child could watch that.." Jake replied, watching Milly raise an eyebrow in response.

"Sure you aren't.."

Jake playfully punched her shoulder. "C'mon Milly Billy, you know damn well that movie scared you. You just don't want to admit it. I saw how you were acting whilst watching it. You looked petrified, and now, you can't sleep."

Milly bit the inside of her cheek, eyes wide as she turned her gaze away from Jake. "Oh yeah? Same thing goes for you, dummy." Milly replied in defense. "Why aren't you sleeping then? You still didn't answer that question."

Jake rubbed his neck even more, trying to think of an excuse. "Uh-Uhm, it's because..Z-Zander snores too loudly.." Hearing Jake's reply, Milly couldn't help but giggle a little. She held her palms over her mouth to avoid her giggling waking up the others.

Jake started to chuckle a bit, feeling Milly nudge his shoulder as she winked at him. The two best friends sat together in the cool darkness, snickering amongst eachother. They both had their knees up as Milly ruffled Jake's soft locks of blonde hair.

"Hey! Milly, not the hair!" Jake exclaimed in quiet whispers.

Milly snickered more, rolling her eyes. "But your hair is so soft though! C'mon, Jakey. I'm your bestie so surely you can allow me to touch your precious little head."

Jake stuck his tongue out, blowing a small raspberry. Milly did the exact same, causing the two teens to laugh again. Jake let out a sigh before turning his head towards the pink-haired devil.

"We both got scared of the movie, isn't it?" He asked, getting a slight nod from Milly.

"Fine fine. I am scared. That movie really was something. I can't sleep because of it. And it looks like you can't either."

Jake nodded his head in agreement. "Why on earth did you ask for the genre to be horror?"

Milly shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I really regret this."

Jake pondered to himself, thinking of a solution. Soon, an idea popped into his head. "How about we just stay up for a tiny while and just watch memes or something on our phones so that we can laugh and forget about that movie? But, we have to do it quietly. We don't wanna wake the rest of the club. Especially Zander. Or else, Alex will freak out." Jake questioned his best friend. Milly smiled at him and nodded, letting out one final laugh hearing Jake call Zander by the first part of his name.

"I like the sound of that, Jakey!"


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