💜Everything I Wanted💙

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-Mentions of suicide.
(Do not read if sensitive!)

Original song by Billie Eilish.

Ship: Platonic Zailey


2:00 A.M.

Hailey shot up from her warm bedsheets, in a cold sweat. Panting heavily, she placed a palm over her chest, feeling her heart beat at a fast pace. Her whole body felt hot, as if she had just ran a marathon.

She took quick glances around her isolated room, trying to calm herself down, knowing she just had a bad dream. She rubbed her eyes for a few seconds, taking in the silent atmosphere.

"Calm down, Hails. It was just a nightmare.." Hailey told herself quietly, her heartbeat going back to its normal, steady pace. Opening her eyes again, she looked around her bedroom, swallowing a lump in her throat. Putting her knees up, she buried her face into them, a tear just escaping her eye.

"It happened again..This same nightmare that I had when I was 13..I didn't think I'd have it again.." Hailey said, in sadness. She didn't know how she was ever going to get herself back to sleep. The sudden noise of a dog barking outside was even enough to startle her.

Hailey went deep into thought for a few seconds, shaky breaths leaving her lips every now and then. She stroked her arms continuously, sniffling a little. After some minutes passed by, which honestly felt like decades to Hailey, she soon realised she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. There was only one person who could help ease her mind. Her brother, Zander.

Slowly, Hailey pulled the covers off her body, feeling the cold air that filled her room hit against her. She remembered that she had left her window open. Placing a strand of her teal locks behind an ear, she stood up from the bed, rubbing her arms to get rid of the goosebumps that were visibly displayed. Before leaving the room, Hailey decided to close her window first and soon, she opened her door that led outside her room and walked out, closing it behind her.

Within seconds, Hailey had made it to Zander's bedroom and was standing in front of his door. She let out a little sigh before knocking three times, hoping she wasn't making too much noise that would wake up the rest of her family in the process.

Hailey felt a wave of success flow through her hearing a little groan come from her brother, signalling that she had gotten his attention. Tired footsteps grew louder, making their way to the door, as Hailey watched it open before her, revealing Zander, who rubbed his left eye before looking up, meeting his sister's gaze.

"Hailey? What are you doing? I was sleeping.." Zander said, quite irritated that someone had just ruined his precious beauty sleep.

"Sorry, Zander..Um, may I come in? I need to talk to you.."

Zander's eyes went wide, becoming concerned. "Uh, sure." With that, Hailey silently made her way in, Zander closing the door afterwards. He watched his sister sit onto his bedsheets, looking uneasy. That's when Zander realised that there was something wrong.

"Tiny? Are you alright?" Hailey glanced at him upon hearing the nickname that her entire family used for her. Zander sat himself down next to her, worried. Hailey struggled to blink back tears. However, her attempt failed as a tear rolled down her cheek which she immediately rubbed away. This made Zander all the more worried.

"Hailey, what's wrong?! Please, I'm worried.." Zander exclaimed in loud whispers. Hailey met her dark, grey eyes with her brother's soft, lavender irises which were honestly breathtaking in her opinion.

Hailey let out a sigh, feeling Zander wrap an arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to him, giving her warmth whilst doing so. "Oh, Zander...It happened again.."

♡Platonic Jamilly/Zailey Oneshots♡ || The Music Freaks ||Where stories live. Discover now