⛈Thundery Nights⛈

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Ship: Platonic Zailey

One night, the two step-siblings Zander and Hailey were in their living room watching TV, in their house. The both of them were home alone as their parents went out with their little sister, Bethany.

Zander was in control as he held on tightly to the remote, in charge of the channels. Hailey was sitting down next to him on their teal-coloured sofa. Her knees were up against her chest as she rested her palms on them.

Suddenly, the sound of thunder roared from the clouds, startling Hailey and Zander. Hailey didn't seem to care about it and just turned her gaze back towards the television. However, Zander dropped the remote in fear as he instantly clutched onto his sister's arm, holding on tightly. Hailey became shocked at this, but knew exactly why Zander was doing this.

"Shh, Zander. It's okay. I know you're afraid of thunder. But, it's alright. Don't worry.." Hailey said softly, placing her hand onto Zander's, cuddling into him to give him warmth. Hailey could feel Zander trembling in her grasp as low, shaky breaths could be heard from him.

"H-Hailey...I..h-hate thunder..I'm terrified of it.." Zander replied, pressing his cheek onto Hailey's shoulder.

"I know, Zan. It's just a small thunderstorm. It'll go away soon." Hailey responded, rubbing his hand. Zander sniffled a bit, taking in his sister's words.

Hailey wrapped an arm around his shoulder, stroking it back and forth. "Shh, it's okay. You're safe." She reassured him, making Zander hum in content.

"Thank you Hailey.."

Hailey laid her head against Zander's, resting it before closing her eyes in comfort. "No need to thank me, Zander. I'm always gonna be here for you. Always remember that.."

Another crash of thunder boomed from the sky, causing Zander to flinch and whimper as he hid his face on Hailey's shoulder. Hailey stroked his arm soothingly before planting a kiss on the side of his forehead.

"You're okay..The thunder won't hurt you.." Zander smiled in response, shutting his eyes, feeling more relaxed and at ease. Zander knew how lucky he was to have a sister like Hailey by his side. No matter what, the siblings will always have eachother's back.


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