💫Comforting Cuddles💫

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Ship: Platonic Zailey

"Aww, come on Zander! What can I do to cheer you up?"

Hailey gently shook her step-brother's arm, wanting to receive any ounce of attention she could get from him. Zander didn't look at his sister however. Instead, he kept his arms folded and his eyebrows furrowed, glaring off towards a side of his.

"Forget it, Hailey! I don't wanna talk. Besides, there's nothing you can do to cheer me up. I'm afraid you may have put me off my mood for the evening." Zander replied, a groan leaving his mouth afterwards.

"Geez, Zan. Do you always have to be this stubborn?" Hailey poked his arm with her finger, which caused her to get a slap on it soon after. "Ow!"

"I am not stubborn. I am just simply being odd at you." Hailey rolled her eyes upon hearing Zander's excuse.

"Please, Zander. You are the most stubborn person I have ever met in my life. I didn't mean to spill my bubble tea all over you earlier. It was solely an accident." Hailey argued, her arms folding themselves.

"You still ruined my clothes though! And you're one to talk about being stubborn, Hailey. You also have your moments." Zander examined his nails that were the colour of a stunning black, taking notice of its glossy shine.

Hailey sighed, her brother's stubborn and non-cooperative behaviour getting on her nerves. She didn't know what to do to earn his forgiveness. Zander was a pretty hard person to convince. Sometimes, it feels like it takes a century to get Zander to make up with you.

"You can stand behind me all you want, Hails. Nothing can change my mind.." Zander pointed out for the last time before he grew silent, kicking the ground.

"Yeah, I figured you would say that.." Hailey mumbled to herself under her breath, biting the inside of her cheek. She wondered aimlessly for a minute or so, thinking about what she should do in the current situation she was in.

"Have you given up?" Zander suddenly questioned the girl, looking behind him. He could see Hailey supposedly think to herself, causing him to become confused. "Oh God, what are you thinking about? You better not be up to anything devious."

It was at this moment where an idea popped into Hailey's head, making a smirk form onto the corners of her mouth. Zander immediately caught onto this.

"Okay, I don't like that smirk. It scares me. What are you gonna do? Kill me?" Hailey chuckled hearing her brother's sarcastic remarks.

"No, little brother! Why on earth would I do that?" Hailey replied, nearing the purple-haired teenager. "Instead, I'll do something else which is probably worse than killing you in your opinion.."

"And what the hell is that?" Zander refused to turn around and look at the teal-haired girl. His back was faced towards her rather. His lavender irises diverted themselves away from her, staring at the wall in front of him.

All of a sudden, Zander felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck as a chin rested itself atop his shoulder. Zander's eyes instantly glanced behind him, meeting his sister's obsidian ones.

"I love you..!" Hailey exclaimed, beaming warmly at the latter. She kept a tight grip onto Zander, not having any intentions of letting him go.

"Oh my God, how dare you.." Zander laughed to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. A low chuckle could be heard from him. "I'm actually gonna murder you.."

"Why? Just because I'm hugging you? That's quite rude of you, Alexzander.." Hailey joked, laughing in-between. Zander couldn't help but laugh as well as he felt his sister hug him even tighter.

Zander wasn't that much of a hugger. He knew he wasn't the biggest fan of it. However, he knew he couldn't deny the fact that he liked his sister's hugs. That's how Hailey was from day one. Pretty much since he met her, Hailey would always manage to steal hugs from her brother no matter what. Even if he really didn't want to.

"You smell like..lavender.." Hailey pointed out, making Zander smile.

"Yeah, I get that a lot.." Zander responded, rolling his eyes in amusement. "Anyways, why are you hugging me when mom is not here to see it?"

"Because I love you, dork..!" Hailey slightly exclaimed in his ear, closing her eyes as she laid her head onto his collarbone. "Do you love me..?"

"Of course I do, Tiny...You're my sister.." Zander giggled, his cheeks growing warm.

"And, do you forgive me..?" Hailey pouted at him, showing off her puppy eyes that she knew Zander found hard to resist.

"Yes..I do..You win this time.." Zander finally caved in, raising his hands up in defeat. "Okay, now seriously let me go before I beat the ever-loving shit out of you."

Hailey smirked once she heard Zander's feisty attitude once more. "Christ, alright then.." Hailey loosened her grip on him before she soon let him go, her arms removing themselves off his body. "I shall be on my way..I have to do some song-writing anyways."

"Yeah, you go do that.." After his reply had been said, Hailey started to walk off, beginning to leave Zander all alone, just like how he likes it. Unbeknownst to her, Zander had another trick up his sleeve as a cheeky grin made its way onto his countenance.

Once he made sure Hailey wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, Zander steadily creeped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her collarbone, similarly to how Hailey embraced him earlier. This caught Hailey completely off guard. She wasn't expecting this.

"Okay, maybe I'm dreaming, but are you actually hugging me?" Hailey joked sarcastically, hearing her brother laugh at the remark.

"Tell anyone about this and you're dead." Zander warned the girl, ruffling her blue locks. The siblings proceeded to break into a fit of laughter as Zander played with Hailey's hair, causing it to become quite messy.

"Awh, Zan! Not my hair!" Hailey laughed uncontrollably, not able to get out of Zander's tight hold on her.

"I love you, sis!" Zander exclaimed happily, which made Hailey giggle.

"I love you too, Zan! I always did, and I always will.." Hailey replied, much to Zander's delight. After that, Zander finally let go of Hailey, allowing her a moment to breathe after all the laughing she had just engaged in.

"By the way, I gotta tell you something, and it's pretty important.." Zander fiddled with his fingers, biting his lower lip. This made Hailey grow worried.

"What is it..?" She asked meekly, as Zander started to walk himself nearer to his sibling, his mouth growing closer to her ear lobe.

"You look really ugly today.." Zander whispered in Hailey's ear, snickering to himself. Hailey's eyes widened in offense as she scoffed.

"Please, as if you look any better yourself. You look hideous!" Hailey flicked his nose, taking Zander aback.

"I hate you." Zander rubbed his nose, sticking his tongue out at his relative. Hailey did the same as him as she stuck out her tongue also.

"I hate you too."


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