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You cry and you scream and you stomp your feet and you shout. You say, 'You know what? I'm giving up, I don't care.' And then you go to bed and you wake up and it's a brand new day, and you pick yourself back up again. ~Nicole Scherzinger

"Are you just saying that cause he's your brother?" Calum chuckled which caused Reed to glare at him. "Hey take a joke."

"This is not a joke." Reed sighed. "This is ridiculous."

Luke's POV

"Luke!" My mother called to me as I walked up towards the house. Reed stood on her left, looking off to the side, he was clearly uninterested in me being here.

"H-Hi mum." I smiled. I knew my mother loved me, she always has. She was always on my side and always supportive of me. I was her little boy.

"Oh it's so nice to see you! How was your flight?" She asked as she walked over to me. "Reed take Luke's bags, I want to talk to him."

"Alright mum." Reed sighed before walking over and aggressively taking my bags into the house.

"You didn't answer me, love." My mother smiled. "How was your flight?"

"I-It was al-alright." I stuttered slightly on my words like I always did. Something I can thank my father and pupils for. "A-A bit chaotic."

"I see." My mother smiled. "Well come in and we can have some lemonade, I want to talk to you."

"Al-Alright." I said quietly, I was never really loud. I never yelled, and I did very little talking. Due to the fact that people as a whole made me nervous and caused me to stutter more then I would like. Always the stutter.

I walked in the house and Reed walked past me, back outside to collect more of my belongings from my uncle's car outside. He picked me up from the airport.

I sat down at a table I had not seen in nearly ten years, I looked around the kitchen and saw how the decor changed.

"I just wanted to talk Luke," My mother said gently. "You must know that we can talk about whatever you wish." My mother at this point handed me a glass of lemonade and nervously spoke, her voice shaking slightly. "I-I do know what your father did to you. And if I had known I would have tried harder to help you. I simply need to know where you're at and how you're feeling. I know you may not want to talk about it, but you simply must talk to me. Please."

"I-I'm not all tha-that hot.." I mumbled as I looked at my hands. "Re-Reed doesn't look too-too thrilled to - um - see me ei-either."

"You might have that at first." My mother said. "If he gives you trouble, let me know. But he's going to take you out so you can meet his friends. Alright? You should be thankful that he was willing to do this."


"Be sure to thank him, but I know you won't forget." My mother smiled at me. To her I was as good as gold as ever. She loved her depressed son even if he was not depressed at all, she loved me no matter what. Honestly, it gave me a bit of hope. Knowing that someone in this crazy world cared.

"Luke," Reed sighed as he walked in the kitchen. "I'm leaving now so if you're coming let's go. Ash is here."

"Ashton is Reed's friend." My mother whispered to me. She then turned to Reed. "Be back later tonight boys and Reed, be nice."

"Alright mum." Reed sighed. "C'mon Luke."

"C-Coming." I said quietly as I followed Reed out the door.

"Oh and for your information," Reed said to me once we were outside. "Ashton is my boyfriend, but mum doesn't know that and it better stay that way. Got me?"

"Y-Yeah.." I mumbled.

"Good." Reed said. I turned to the car in the driveway and saw three guys standing there. I found myself side-stepping behind Reed.

"Oh Luke, knock it off." Reed groaned.

"This is trippy." A bright haired boy said. "Like there's two of you now."

"That's Michael." Reed said. "And that's Calum with the dark hair. The other one is Ashton." I nodded my head slowly. "Guys this is Luke."

"H-Hi.." I mumbled.

"We've heard so much about you!" Calum smiled. "Just kidding, I didn't even know you existed until a few days ago."

I looked to Reed whom ignored me completely and walked towards the car. "Come on Luke." Reed groaned.

"Hey be nice." Ashton commented and when he got a heavy glare from Reed he apologized.

I slid in the back next to Michael. Pressing myself against the door so I could be as far away from him as possible. I sat back and watched the two different conversations between Reed and Ashton, Michael and Calum. Then there was me.

So I pulled out my phone and texted my mother.

Luke: Can I just go home?

Mum: Why? Is Reed not behaving?

Luke: No, I just feel awkward.

Mum: That's because you're an awkward person.

Luke: Like I didn't know that..

Mum: Well it'll always be awkward if you don't try and befriend them. Try a little harder. I'm sure you're just sitting there, why don't YOU try talking to them.

Luke: Alright..

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and fumbled around with my hands.

"Um.." I looked over to Michael. "I-I like your ha-hair Michael.."

"Huh?" Michael turned his head to me.

"He said he likes your hair." Ashton said from in front of us. I heard Reed let out a scoff underneath his breath but just ignored it.

"Well thanks!" Michael smiled. He put a hand on my head and ruffled my hair. "I like your hair too!"

"You don't ever say you like mine!" Reed whined from the front of the car.

"Yours is darker," Michael said. "Plus you don't style it up like Luke does! You just brush it and call it a day."

"Oh whatever." Reed scoffed. I mentally cursed Michael out, after all I did not want Reed to already be mad at me.

"Um..P-Pardon me for-for asking..B-But.." I mumbled and at this point Calum and Michael were looking at me with worry on their faces.

"It's alright Luke, you can just ask." Calum smiled.

"Um.." I mumbled. "Where are w-we going?"

Michael smirked. "You'll see."


That was the first chapter and omg guys I just realized that the introduction to this book's character count is 666 and I was like.. xD Anyways you can probably expect another update so I can get this book on the way to success. Cause it's pretty boring but that's how it works xD

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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