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If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. ~Lao Tzu

Luke's POV

I walked into school with Reed the next day. I was following as close to him as I could but still standing behind him - on his request. I felt a little lost here. Especially since other's were doing double takes when they looked at us.

"P-People look sh-shocked." I whispered to Reed.

"Well yeah, my identical brother is standing next to me." Reed rolled his eyes. "C'mon lets just go. I wanna see Ash before class."

"O-Okay." I mumbled. I followed Reed until we came across Ashton, Michael and Calum.

"Hey babe." Ashton smiled at Reed. "Oh and hi Luke, almost didn't see you there."

"Hey Luke!" Michael yelled. I walked around to Michael and Calum while Ashton and Reed talked.

"Hey Reed -" I turned my head to the person behind me to see a wide eyed girl. "..What's different about you.."

"Uhm.." I said quietly.

"No, Roxanne, this isn't Reed." Michael laughed lightly. "That's Reed." Michael pointed at Reed.

"Then who the hell are you..?" This.. Roxanne girl asked, looking me up and down.

"This is Luke, Reed's twin brother." Calum said.

"Oh. Well hi Luke, I'm Roxanne." The bright red-headed girl smiled at me, shaking my hand.

"H-Hi.." I said quietly.

"He's kinda shy." Michael said.

"Oh how cute." Roxanne said. "How come you're just getting here? Like why have I never seen you before?"

"R-Reed's and my pa-parents are d-divorced. I-I lived with our fa-father." I said, stuttering slightly. "Now I-I live with our m-mum."

"Why do you live there now?" Roxanne asked.

"Roxanne!" Reed called behind me, grabbing her attention she walked pass me and to Reed. I internally sighed in relief.

I stood listening to Michael and Calum talk for a while until Reed pulled on my arm. "Let's go Luke."


"To class, where else?" Reed rolled his eyes. I nodded and followed him down the hallway. When we got inside the classroom many students looked at us with confusion and I think I saw the teacher put their head down on the desk.

I sat down near Reed whom looked like he did not want to sit near me, but he said nothing.

"Alright class," The teacher said. "I'm sure some of you have seen that we had a new student. This is Luke." I held my hand up. "He is.." She sighed. "Reed's twin brother so..That'll be fun."

The class continued on and for the next two periods I was with Reed until I got to fourth period and I would have assumed I would be alone in music. But when I walked in, Ashton was sitting in a chair and when he saw me he called me over.

"Hi Luke." He smiled. "We're going to lunch right now, you can sit with my friends if you want to."

"Um.." I muttered.

"Well you don't have to, but I was just figuring it would be better then being alone." Ashton smiled. "C'mon. Let's go."

"O-Okay." I said and followed Ashton to the cafeteria. As I was doing so people often looked at me with confusion. 'Is that Reed' was probably what they were wondering.

Ashton and I walked into the cafeteria together and he showed me to a table where Michael and Calum were sitting with several others.

"Hey guys, it's fine if Luke sits with us right?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah of course." Michael smiled. "Take a seat, kid."

"Alright that's Jayce, Tess, Jack, Caroline and Diana." Ashton said as he pointed to the other people sitting at the table. "I'm going to go get lunch, wanna come?" I shook my head. "You sure?" I nodded. "Eh alright. Have a seat."

"Hey are you related to Reed?" Jayce asked. "Cause you look just like him."

"W-We're twins.." I mumbled.

"What? No." Jack laughed. "You serious?" I nodded. "I did not know that Reed had a twin, did you guys?"

"No." Caroline shook her head. "That I did not."

"No one knew." Michael spoke up. "We only found out a few days before Luke actually got here."

Did Reed not like me enough to pretend that I was not even there? Did he ever tell his friends that he had no brother? That was..Nothing.

"Well, either way." Caroline said. "It's nice to meet you."

"Y-You too." I smiled politely.

I sat back in my seat and listened the conversations that commenced upon the group. When I was brought back to the conversation, it was about Reed and I again.

"Do you always wear your hair like that? Cause that will make it ten times easier to tell the difference between you and Reed." Diana asked. I nodded. "Awesome."

"I'm back." Ashton sang as he sat down at the table next to me. I was sitting with my arms folded as I watched the conversations.

"You know," Ashton said, leaning back so we were sitting closer to one another. "You could always talk to someone."

"Um..N-No." I shook my head.

"Why not?" Ashton frowned. "They're not gonna bite."

"T-The stutter.." I admitted, my face turning a deep crimson. I hated the fact that I had a stutter I could not control, I hated that people pointed it out as well.

"Well.." Ashton said. "You can just talk to me, or you can talk to Tess. She's kinda quiet. A little on the sassy side, but she won't bug you about stuttering."

"O-Okay.." I replied.

"Tess c'mere." Ashton said, the brunette stood from the table and walked around to Ashton. He had her bend down so he could whisper in her ear. She nodded and then took a seat next to me.

"I'm-I'm Tess." She said, extending a hand to me.

"Luke." I smiled. We both took a deep breath and looked off to the opposite side in our own quirkiness. Making the both of us laugh.

"Well..I can - I can see that we're..Pretty awkward. To be honest." Tess said.

"Y-Yeah we are." I nodded in agreement.

"Only the more reason to be friends," Tess smiled. "Right?"

"Y-Yeah, I-I mean we can..Just be weird together." I said, smiling back.

"You should know one thing though," Tess said.

"W-What's that?"

"I can be a total jerk sometimes. I have the attitude of a two-year-old. Just.. More inappropriate." Tess said.

I laughed lightly. "Y-Yeah I'm just..W-Weird I guess."

"I already like you more then Reed." Tess said. "Reed can be..Kind of a jerk. Is he like that towards you?"

"Oh hell yeah." I nodded. "R-Reed doesn't really..W-Want me h-here."

"Well don't worry Hemmings," Tess smiled. "You're alright in my book, you awkward lanky child."


Okay, Tess is my favorite character xD And I feel like Ellen Page is the perfect person for her, also I did put up a cast or whatever. I didn't know who to put for Jack though so I just said Jack Frost cause Rise of the Guardians is a good movie.

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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