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A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve. ~Joseph Joubert

Ashton's POV 

I was just walking to my locker after what felt like an incredibly long day when I felt someone kick my leg - not hard but enough to get my attention - and when I turned I could see Reed glaring at me. "What do you want?" 

"What do I want?" Reed raised his eyebrows. "Are you stupid!?" 

"Apparently so because I don't know what you want!" I scoffed. 

"You need to stop being so cold around Luke." Reed said. "What are you trying to do, make something obvious to him!?" 

I rolled my eyes, I definitely was not but looking at him the same way was not really all that possible. As much as I did really like Luke, I found myself feeling weird to look at him. "No I'm not trying to make it obvious, I just feel guilty." 

"You'll get used to it." Reed rolled his eyes.

"Used to it!? You think this will happen again!?" I snapped.

"Well do you want my help with him or not!?" Reed snarled. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "He was really happy after you went out, and what you did was my idea but he was really happy with it! You think you could do better than that?"

"I want to make him happy!" I huffed. "But I don't want to hurt him to do it!" 

When I said this, Reed got his "wicked" look on. The smile that made you cringe and the one that made you know he was planning to do something. "Fine then, you refuse to go through with this and I'll just tell Luke." 

"Yeah like he would believe you." I scoffed.

"He would," Reed smiled. "Because he's stupid! That's why. He would believe anything I told him because for some insane reason he thinks that I can do no wrong!" 

"You would just be throwing yourself under the bus." I said. "Why would you do that?"

Reed took a step closer so his face was close to mine as he spoke, his voice dropped down to a whisper. "If it means I get to take you down, I'll do it." 

I sat wide eyed as Reed took a step back, smiling. I shook my head slowly as I glared at him. "You're sick." 

"I know." Reed said. "Maybe one day I'll look back on this and actually feel bad for what I'm doing. But for the time being, I don't mind too much." Reed turned his back and began to walk away, but stopped and turned to tell me one last thing. "You should swing by on Friday." 

"'You should swing by on Friday,' he says." I scoffed under my breath. "Wow does he piss me off.." 

"Who pisses you off?" I let out a scream as I turned and could see Tess standing on my left with Luke. "Hey, calm down. It was just a question." 

"Nothing, it's nothing." I sighed and shook my head. Luke tilted his head slightly in confusion and Tess did not look like she was buying it.

"Right..Well," Tess rolled her eyes. "Luke and I were going to go chill and do some cool things. At first I was going to invite you, then I wasn't because I didn't want to third wheel. But then Luke told me that you were in a sour mood so you probably wouldn't want to come anyways," My eyes wandered to Luke who looked off to the side. I kept my eyes on him as Tess continued to talk. "So I just wanted to know why you were in a bad mood, also if you did want to come with us." 

"I'm not in a bad mood." I replied, a cold tone to my voice. "And why would I want to go with you two on your stupid adventure." 

At this point Luke looked to me and Tess's eyes were wide. "That was cold, Ash." Tess folded her arms and glared at me. 

"Whatever, go away." I sighed as I dismissed them with my hand. I turned back to my locker and let out a sigh as I realized they were both still standing there. I realized I was not being the nicest but I did not really feel like spending time with Luke and damn Tess to boost. 

"A-Are you s-sure?" Luke said quietly. I mentally wanted to punch myself for making him feel uncomfortable enough to stutter in the first place. 

Reed was right, I was making it completely obvious that something was up. I just felt my stomach twist in guilt every time I looked at him. How stupid could I be?

"I-I just don't want to be around people right now. Please." I muttered as I grabbed my bag and shut my locker. When I felt Luke reach out and grab my shoulder the first thing I did was slap his hand down.

"Come on Luke," Tess scoffed. "Let the jerk be by himself if he wants to so badly." 

I folded my arms as I faced away from them, sure that they had left but when I felt Luke leaning over my shoulder with a smile I thought otherwise. 

"I know that y-you're not in a very good mood," Luke said, giving a hopeful little smile. "And y-you probably don't want to talk, but i-if you change you mind. If you want to hang out or just talk, j-just let me know. I-I'm always willing to listen."

"Thanks Luke." I said quietly, quite shocked that he would continue to be nice to me in spite of the attitude I had towards him. Luke really did not hold grudges. 

"Mhm." Luke nodded and kissed my cheek before taking a couple of steps back before turning and walking with Tess. 

He seemed alright from what I saw, but I knew that might not be the case. For me, I tended to wear my heart on my sleeve more than Luke did. But otherwise, I was still shocked to see him not lose his temper. If it was Reed, Reed would have flipped out. Started cussing, and thrown a fit of his own until I had apologized. They really were not the same at all.

"Damn.." I mumbled to myself. "I really don't deserve this kid at all.." 

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