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I don't anyone has a normal family. ~Edward Furlong

Luke's POV

I was sitting outside with Ashton after school, we were laughing about nothing in particular. It was almost as if we had both forgotten that we were not suppose to be friends with to begin with.

I felt my phone ringing in my pocket and saw Reed's name on the screen.

"Y-Yeah?" I spoke.

"Luke where the hell are you!?" Reed snapped. "I want to leave."

"Um..I-I'm outside." I mumbled.

"Why?" Reed asked.

I turned my head to Ashton. "Y-You aren't going to like this.."

"What is it?"

"I'm-I'm outside with-with Ashton.." I mumbled.

"Luke. You're coming home with me right now." Reed snarled. "Tell Ashton to take a hike."

"R-Reed.." I mumbled.

"Now Luke!" Reed snapped. The line went dead and I turned to Ashton.

"Reed's mad, isn't he?" Ashton asked. I nodded my head. "Hell Luke, I'm really sorry. Let me see your phone." I unlocked my phone and passed to Ashton. When he handed back I could see that he created himself a contact.

"If Reed is really mean to you, just call me or text me. Let me know, alright?" Ashton said. I nodded. Ashton hugged me before walking off in the opposite direction I would soon be heading. Right into the lion's den.

I saw Reed walking outside of the school and he grabbed my wrist and yanked me behind him.


"No Luke! I don't want to hear it!" Reed snapped.

"Y-You're hurting me!" I squeaked.

"Oh you don't even know hurt." Reed snarled. Little did he know, I actually did. It seems I've been experiencing it for too many years.

Reed pushed me into his car as he walked around me and into the other side. I opened the door and sat down and Reed sped out of the parking lot before my door was shut.

"R-Reed! S-Slow down!" I said. He did not say anything but he eased off of the gas and we settled at a red light.

"Luke I don't understand you." Reed said. "I asked one thing of you."

"I-I know.." I mumbled.

"I am going to beat the living hell out of you one of these days." Reed said. I swallowed hard and shrunk in my seat as we continued to our house. I just hope that my mother was home..

When we got home I was happy to see that my mother was standing in the kitchen.

"Are you alright, Luke?" My mother asked as I walked past her. I nodded. "You look upset, honey.."

"I-I'm fine." I mumbled.

"Luke you have to talk to me!" My mother begged. My eyes locked with Reed, whom raised an eyebrow. As if he was asking if I would say anything.

"T-There's nothing to-to talk a-about." I shrugged and walked up the stairs. Back to my room where I dropped my bag and listened to my mother talk downstairs.

"I don't know what to do Reed!" My mother sighed. "I don't know how to help Luke but I want to."

"I don't know how to either, I'm trying mum but he just won't calm his temper when I'm with him." Reed sighed. My temper? "He's usually pretty angry." Oh, am I?

"Oh my poor baby.." My mother sighed.

"Mum why don't you go to the store and just drive around for a little bit, it might make you feel better." Reed said.

"Alright." My mother said. I let out a sigh, thinking about jumping out the window as I heard the front door shut.

It was silent for a minute before I heard steps up the stairs and my door opened as I leaned against the wall on the opposite side of the room.

"Luke..Listen to me." Reed snarled. "You are to not talk to Ashton, do you understand me?"

"I-I told him w-we couldn't be friends.." I mumbled.

Reed looked confused for a second before that turned into a boiling rage.

"Now you're trying to blame Ashton!?" Reed snapped. "That's it, I'm done messing around. You will listen to me Luke!"

I gulped while Reed took a few steps towards me and punched me in the face. Making me stumble back into the wall.

"You are annoying!" Reed yelled. Punching me again. This time I began to slide down the wall. "You are an idiot!" This time he kicked me. "You are a waste of space!" And again. "You have tested me for the last time!" Once more. At this point Reed climbed over me and held me by the collar of my shirt. "I am sick of dealing with you! I am sick of you not listening! I am sick of dealing with you! Do you understand!?" I nodded frantically. "Oh I doubt you do." Reed leaned closer to me. "I am going to engrave it into your skull."

"R-Reed..! P-Please s-stop!" I squeaked.

"Stop?" Reed asked. "Never."

I remembered being punched by Reed several more times, I remembered there being yelling, but I had no clue what any of it was.

"Anything else to say?" Reed asked.

"Y-You're just like dad!" I yelled and I saw Reed go wide eyed, his face then turned red and shifted with a burning anger.

"I'm dad, huh?" Reed said. "Gives you less reason to screw around with me then. Cause you know I'm not afraid to hurt you, and I will hurt you."

"R-Reed pl-please.." I whimpered, tears running down my face. Which did get me backhanded by Reed.

"Stop crying!" Reed yelled.

"I-I - "

Reed slapped me again. "And enough with that dumb stutter! If you can't speak without it, don't speak at all!"

In the heat of the moment neither of us heard the door open until we heard a gasp. I was expecting my mother but it was not.

"Reed what are you doing to him!?" I turned my head to see Reed pushing Ashton out of the room, instead of following, I curled up in a ball and cried.

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