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One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Luke's POV

"So then Diana had pushed Jayce into the water with Jack." Tess told me as we walked down the hallway after school. I laughed at the story she was telling me about. It felt nice to have a friend here - and knowing I shared last period with Tess made it better. "Do you have any fun stories you can share with me?"

"I-I don't think I do." I shrugged. "I lived a..a pretty b-boring life."

"Well now you're with me and that's all kinds of fantastic." Tess said, I laughed at the sarcasm in her voice as she stopped at a locker and opened it. "Do you have to meet Reed?"

"I-I don't know."

"Well if you don't you should come with Diana and I, we were going to go get frozen yogurt. But it's totally okay if you don't want to come." Tess said. "I mean, we did just meet."

"Y-Yeah but you're-you're fun." I smiled.

Tess laughed. "Just wait until I get my eight-o'clock party on."

"You're so lame.." I said, shaking my head slowly.

"Hey you're not one to talk Mr. Stutter." Tess replied. "Sorry if that offends you, I don't have much of a sensor."

"I-I know." I nodded. The teacher almost kicked Tess out of the room for saying 'quite vulgar and rude statements' earlier. I thought it was funny, it took everything in me not to laugh.

"Whatever, wanna come with us or not? We want to leave soon." Tess said.

"I-I'll go. Just-Just let me text Re-Reed." I said. Tess nodded as she began to go through her locker. I told Reed that I did not need to go home with him, he seemed not to care at all. So Tess and I waited for Diana to arrive. We leaned against the locker's and I more so listened to Tess talk then anything. It worked well with me though. I hated talking due to the stutter I had, having Tess around really seemed to help.

"Oh hey guys!" Ashton smiled as he walked up to us with Diana.

"Hey who invited curls?" Tess said, she smiled at Ashton. "I'm teasing."

"I know you are." Ashton said.

"Hey it seems you invited Luke, so I feel like I should be able to invite Ashton." Diana smiled. "C'mon though I want my fro-yo."

"Do people even call it that?" Tess asked as we began to walk out of the school. "I just say frozen yogurt like a normal human being."

"They're the same thing." Diana said.

"Luke what do you call it?" Tess asked me, she looked up to me slightly. Tess was very short - maybe a foot shorter then I was - it seemed as if I was the tallest, although my height almost matched up with Ashton. I could not tell who was taller.

"Um.." I had to think about it. "F-Frozen yogurt."

"See, Luke is on my side." Tess said. "You're in the dirt Diana."

"I say fro-yo." Ashton chimed in.

"Yeah but Luke is right always." Tess said.

"What makes him right?" Ashton asked.

I listened to Tess, Diana and Ashton banter about what to call it, but in the end both sides had given up the fight. Especially as we had reached the small little store selling it.

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