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  Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do. ~Voltaire

Ashton's POV 

I was in a chilling mood on Monday, Reed made my blood boil in ways I did not understand. And what made it even worse was I went along with him every damn time. I had to have enjoyed myself slightly but I always came out of it angry and exhausted. 

Every day I saw him, and every day I saw him. Damn, Luke. I cared for him - I really did - but as time passed I found myself more and more disgusted in him. Even though I was the one who had the right to be ashamed. 

Eventually, Luke had passed it off, he still urged for me to spend more time with him and to do things but in all honesty if I could never see those twins again I would be happy. 

Life does not work out that way though. 

Luke was a pretty popular figure here, everyone really liked him. Thought he was adorable - which he was - and it seemed a lot of people flocked to his kindness. I was often told just how lucky I was to have a boyfriend like Luke. I always smiled and said "I know," but in reality I did not know. I treated him like garbage and he did not even know it, I think that was the worst part. I would have to say something eventually, I just did not know how. 

"Dammit all.." I sighed as I ran a hand down my face. 

"You don't look very happy," I heard Tess's laughter behind me. I turned and could see her grinning. "What's the matter Ashy-Poo?" 

"Shut up." I sighed. 

"Are you upset because your lover is being flirted with." Tess smiled. 

"What?" I went wide eyed and turned to Tess. "What the hell are you talking about?" 

"You mean you didn't know?" Tess said, she shook her head slowly. "I think you deserve it. After all, you meet up with Reed a lot. Seems suspicious, huh?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I shook my head. 

"Whatever, deny it all you want. I know." Tess nodded. "If you don't start watching your head Luke will know too. Trust me, I tried to tell him. He just said that it was good you two were trying to rekindle your friendship though. If it was just a friendship.." 

"It is." I hissed. "Now what were you talking about before?" 

"Well, if you look over there." Tess said. "On the other side of that open door you can see Luke and Elliot chit-chatting. By the look on Luke's face you can see he's slightly flustered. By the way Elliot's lips are moving he just said something about Luke's shirt." 

"What are you? Some kind of stalker?" I asked.

"I would rather be a stalker then a cheater." Tess smiled up at me. "That's what's going on, isn't it?" 

"No it's not." I hissed. "If you're so sure, why aren't you blabbing your mouth to Luke?"

"I did, he didn't believe me." Tess sighed. "He thought I was joking or that it was just a misunderstanding. He thinks you and Reed getting along is really quite important. And it is, but he really is ignorant."

"He's not ignorant because it's not true." I said. I hated the idea of lying to myself - or to Tess about it - but what was I supposed to say? Yes that is true, he is right. He should be concerned about this? Of course not. I did not want to hurt his feelings, it was never meant to hurt him and it should remain that way. 

"Whatever," Tess sighed. "Funny that everyone loves Luke, but no one loves you anymore. Must be how Reed feels." 

"People still like me." I rolled my eyes. 

"Are you kidding?" Tess laughed. "Everyone seems so against you now. That's just from what I've seen though." She looked off to the side and smiled. "Oh here comes Luke. Lucifer!" 

"Don't call me that!" Luke whined as he walked over to us, Elliot was on his right and I shot him a strong glare. Elliot noticed it but just gave a shy smile, Luke did not seem to notice it all, he was too caught up in Tess. 

"How is your day?" Tess smiled.

"Good, thanks for asking!" Luke smiled. He seemed different around Tess. Like she made him completely happy, unlike me who only dragged him down, was I that bad of a boyfriend? Of course I was..Just look at what I was doing. Cheating on him with his brother..Out of pure lust! How low could I get?

"Ashton?" Luke snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Are you alright? You look..Ill.." 

"Oh I know what this is about." Tess chuckled and I glared at her. "Well, I'll just leave you too it. Come on, Elliot. Lets go see if we can find some cute butts." 

"Oh my favorite past time!" Elliot clapped as he followed Tess down the hallway. 

I turned my attention back to Luke who had a look of sorrow written on his features. "You're not going to tell me what this is about, a-are you?" I shook my head, there was no point in lying. "I-I should expected that.." Luke's sorrow twitched into anger. "You're a hypocrite!" 


"You always say how I have to be open with you! But you never want to be open with me! That's not fair and you can't do that!" He yelled. Causing everyone nearby to turn to us. "Why won't you just tell me!?"

"Luke..You're causing a scene.." I said quietly. "Stop." 

"N-No!" Luke snapped. "This isn't how it's supposed to be! If you want honesty out of me, then I should get it out of you!" Luke's eyes welled up with tears as he wiped them. "I-I don't want to be in a relationship when I know absolutely nothing.." 

"Luke you need to go outside." I said. "You're causing a scene." 

"That's all you care about, appearance, r-right?" Luke sniffled. "I'm d-done wi-with you." He turned and walked down the hallway, leaving all the gazes to fall on me. Many people were glaring at me. Did others like Luke that much that after seeing one thing they were willing to shake their heads and wag fingers of disapproval at me? 

"Way to go." I heard Reed scoffing behind me. "Ah well, you'll figure it out. You're smart. Mischievous." Reed put a hand on my shoulder and smiled smugly. "I have faith." 

"This is your fault!" I hissed.

"No, this is your fault." Reed smiled. "I'm a better deceiver then you, after all, I fooled you for a long time. You have a lot to learn." I watched him walk away and felt myself angry and in a deep sense of sorrow, at the same time.

I had no idea what to do. 


Meepers moopers. Its hot out. I'm melting onto my chair. 

ahhhhhh im meltingfjdkasfjdkaslfa

Ignore that. 

Anyways in the last chapter I spoke of a book idea that I have and I just want your opinion on it. If enough people like it, I'll start writing it. If not well then I'll trash it. And this is just kind of a rough idea I'm not going to put the preface in or anything. So basically I am pretty much obsessed with war apocalyptic stories, so I want to do one. This one will also be a Muke cause Muke af. And the idea behind it was basically Michael being recruited for the resistance and Luke being his superior or something like that. You get the gist, and I want to do that and I already have a cover for it but I was going to ask if any of you even want to read because I'm not going to do it if no one wants to read it.

If you would all just say if you like it or not that would be really helpful and please be honest because if you won't read it then I want to know that as well =3 

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles or Serenades xX


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