Chapter 6

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with Rohit being out of the picture Sonia was powerful more than ever she acted the role of the sad wife perfectly but Jack Rohit's best man wouldn't believe that  .

He entered the living area as Sonia was responding to malls and making sure the business is still doing well.

" I need to talk to u " he said sitting across from her

"What now ?" She said irritated

"Look,  I'm not sure what happened but I don't by your story at all what u told us wasn't the truth there is something you're hiding I will make sure to find out what " he said in a threatening tone but that wouldn't concern Sonia.

"Now listen to me carefully I lost my husband and trying to keep the business on track if you're not convinced with my story I don't care oK all that matters that Rohit's work goes on as it was when he was between us so don't come to me with this tone I respect your feelings since you're his friend but I'm not guilty on this "

She said it all in one breath and even managed to cry  no Actress would get close to her talent those tears made Jack back down for now

" I'm sorry,  I'm just frustrated that until this  day we couldn't get a clue on who killed him or how " Jack said a shadow of a smile was dancing on Sonia's lips.

in another place Maya managed to get a place of her own and a job in a nearby hospital too but she still would visit Dev now and then .

Although they have been friends since she can't even remember and with him trying not to show it but she knows something was different about him still she never said anything because she didn't wanna lose him .

Today she invited him to her place since he never came since she moved .

"Max hurry up Maya is expecting me to be there in ten minutes " Dev shouted as he gathered his files leaving the office  .

"Coming,  I'm so excited yaar u have been talking about her for years and now the friends are reunioned " Max said being his dramatic self.

"Oh Dear God!, u should act instead Max u have a talent " Dev said as they walked out

" really?  , I have been telling mom but she doesn't believe me you're the best Dev always encouraging " Max said and Dev laughed

"You're lucky,  now start the car we're late already! "

both arrived and Dev hugged Maya not before Max jump in

"Hey Dev I think u should introduce me "

Dev broke the hug and said " Uh Sorry,  Maya this is Max my annoying friend hope he doesn't annoy u as much"

"Hey !, I won't reply to u because I have manners,  nice to meet u Maya " he said taking her hand and kissing it making Dev roll his eyes.

The three of them were at the table Max telling Maya stories about Dev and Maya smiling and laughing while Dev made his mind to kill Max once they leave.

"Well Dev u didn't said anything in yourself defence " Maya said trying to control her laughter.

"Maya here's another info for u Max is crazy and always making up stories u know so I have no choice but to listen and pray to God to heal him , u see how much I suffer! " Dev said giving her his best sad eyes and a second later both of them got into none stop laughter.

"Yea right u both laugh as much as u want it's actually getting late for me I'm going " Max said and now both stopped for a minute.

" oh , hope u liked dinner and please make sure to drop by"    Maya smiled

"Yea sure but without him " Max said and Dev gave him a death stare

"it's time for both to go Maya ,see ya " Dev gave her a goodbye hug and literally dragged Max out as he was waving his bye to Maya .

On the way back Dev the one who was driving and Max kept bubbling how much he liked Maya

" you didn't even let me give her a proper goodbye that's not fair "  Max sighed

"You're funny ,it's not like you're not meeting her again " Dev chuckled "here is your stop try not to come late needs u for tomorrow's meeting "

"Sure,  I will come and save the meeting as always " Max said getting out of the car

"Thank u, now get out of my sight before I lose my cool " Dev said and Max smirked walking into his drive way .

his normal  Day was finished and he's back being the underworld King he sighed barking the car walking into his den

" did she arrived? " he asked a man of his

"Yes sir she's been in the office for fifteen minutes " the man answered and was dismissed quickly.

She didn't need to turn around to know that he's here his scent was filling the air now

"Hope u haven't been waiting for long? " he asked her sitting on his desk

"No , why don't we get to the point ?" she said

"Well if that's what u want,  I did u a big favour you're running the business and doing well it's seems that Rohit was the biggest problem in your life "  he said not breaking eye contact for once

" so now it's time for me to return the favour?" She asked knowing the answer already.

"Yes , u see I don't like to wait for long and frankly I don't want u to lose more so here is what I'm offering gave me all your business secrets and let say I will manged your business and mine we will become one " he said  waiting for her to answer instead she fired him with a question

"And what's makes u think I would accept that ?" She asked and he smirked

"Maybe u think this is a lose deal for u but let's be Frank it's about time that everything will get out of your hand , I know everything about u and I think Jack is not calming down he will turn against u , u know better than to refuse sweetheart."

at the end of this statement Sonia was sure that it's not an offer nor a deal it's an order and somehow all she wanted is to comply.

"fine,  conceder it done " she said letting out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding

"Good,  u saved yourself the trouble  and sweetheart there's no pressure I won't complicate things it's all about a bullet so make sure we avoid that point  hm? " he said and she was trying hard not to show her fear.

"Sure  , I will be going now , Don't take long please ." She said and walks towards the door.

"I'm never late just continue your act and it will be over before u know it then the business and mostly importantly u will be mine " he said and she left her heart bonding

What's with this man she don't understand if anyone else would say that she would have a different reaction but with him saying it she frozed , well at  least she would get rid of Jack and anyone who would remind her of Rohit .

She wants to get over this chapter and Dev is the key to that nothing more or maybe ...she didn't know.

Hello guys I updated this one too Enjoy the chapter ❤️

Sorry for any mistakes 😅👍

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