Silver Moon Pack

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The pain. It's too much.

I had been beaten all day, spat on, and kicked; my hair had been pulled, and I had lost count of how many times they had pushed me to the floor. I should be used to it by now, right? I mean, this is my life every day. I've been treated like this since I could remember, and it's as if they get a thrill seeing me getting beaten. It's a show to their amusement.

Someone thought it would be funny to dump their hot coffee on me as I walked by with a tray of food back to the kitchen as I continued to clear the table, and another threw their leftover hash brown in my face because they said their coffee wasn't strong enough, and the hash brown tasted old. "Just keep walking, Livs. Just keep walking." I say under my breath. It was the only thing I could do because if I so even tried to retaliate or defend myself, I knew I was going to lose.

Once done, I was ready to dash out and continue my subsequent work, cleaning the pack's hospital. Well, it was more like a clinic because it was just a tiny cottage.

But just as I was running through the corridor, I felt a yank on my hair, making me fall back. My body ached as I fell to the ground, and I could feel the sting on my scalp as alpha Noah dragged me by my hair toward the kitchen.

Someone had just spilled a gallon of milk on the floor. The floor I had just cleaned not even five minutes ago. I needed to stay quiet. If I made even the slightest sound, I knew what was coming.

I gripped my hair, hoping it would ease the pain as he dragged me along. He flung me across the kitchen, making my body crash against the counter. My body ached as it hit the counter doors, and I could hear the cracking of yet another broken rib, making me wince from the pain.

I whimpered; my tears ran down unwillingly. "Stay mute, Liv. Stay MUTE." my mind said, but my eyes betrayed as I began to cry silently, letting out a small whimper.

"Clean this shit up, you lazy mutt. Do you have any idea how important tomorrow is for all of us? I told you this place needed to stay clean, don't test me, bitch. GOT IT? And start making lunch." Alpha Noah sneered, kicking me on my ribs and making me cry in pain. "But," I said, regretting my words as soon as they left my lips.

He slaps me across my face with the back of his hand, stinging my cheek and right eye. "Shut up. How dare you talk back to me? Do you want to go back to the dungeon? You obviously need a reminder of WHO is in authority here." he yells at me, clenching his jaw. My hands fisted, and my jaw clenched from anger. If it's one thing I hate, it's being punched by him. He never stops, not until his knuckles have had enough of me.

Alpha Alarick (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now