Luna To the Wolves of The Dark Moon

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"You... you stole everything from me. EVERYTHING!" Leah cried, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked at me with anger. "If you hadn't meddled in my life from the start I wouldn't be here like this. I lost my Wolf because of you. You're the cause of all this. Brandon hates me, and it's all your fault!" Leah cried, making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

I already knew her Wolf was gone, I sensed it the moment I came back to conscience. But I wanted to see how far she went with this. I am done. I'm DONE being her dirt rag. I am done being pushed around by her, her stupid friends, and alpha Noah. I am tired of being used and abused. They have no power over me. Not. Any. More.

I chuckled, making her expression change from hurt to anger. She launched herself at me, but I moved out of the way, kicking her hard on her stomach, and smirked with pleasure as I saw her body crash against one of the raised beds growing my daisies.

I heard a mixture of gasps and whoots. "Get her, Luna!" a young she-wolf says, making her mom give her a glare of disapproval. She groaned in pain, spitting out blood from her mouth as she held her stomach where I just kicked her.

"Do you remember, Leah," I said as I walked calmly toward her, looking at her as she tried to stand up, holding her stomach in pain. "How you used to love beating the crap out of me. Sending your friends to beat me, making my life a living hell... day in, day out. Do you?" I said as I gripped her hair tightly in my hand and pulled her up.

I kneed her on her stomach and let go as she fell to the ground. "You'd tell Alpha Noah I stole from you or disrespected you, did something to piss you off, and made him time and time again send me to the dungeons.... Do you remember?" I said, giving her my back as I tried to remain calm.

I was too worked up. Too engrossed in my anger. "I feared being down in those dungeons. Not eating for days at a time, not even a drop of water. Yet... you'd sneak in there and continue to beat me into a pulp." I said with a slight smirk to mascarade my pain. The memories were still fresh, and the wounds... though I no longer suffered that fate, it still hurt too much.

"It was never enough for you. You wanted me dead and killed you that Alpha Noah would demand you NOT to kill me. Little did you know, I had alpha blood, and even when I was weak, malnourished, and beaten, I healed. And that's what pissed you off. The fact I always made it out alive from those dungeons. Am I right.... Leah?" I said turning and seeing her hunched over, gripping her stomach.

"What's wrong, Leah? Having a little trouble getting your Wolf's aid to ease the pain? Oh wait... that's right. You have no Wolf. Do you?" I asked, tilting my head and making her angrier.

People gasped, murmuring and talking among themselves. Freya couldn't sense her Wolf, giving me confirmation that Leah's Wolf was gone. Her eyes watered, making the tears fall freely at my words.

"Luna!" someone began. I raised my hand, making them quiet. "Except I am not you, Leah. You and I have never been the same. And we never will. You will have the privilege to live. I'm not going to kill you as you have adamantly tried to do with me." I said, and she tried to get up again, making me feel pity for her.

"I will let you live. But... you are now destined to live in MY dungeon." I said, gritting my teeth and relishing seeing the look of horror in her eyes. "You wanted to be part of my pack after all... didn't you? So now you have it. You will now be a permanent resident of my pack. Living your days in my dungeon until the day you rot. And will continue to live down there until your bones are nothing but dust. You will never see another daylight in your life or hurt anyone else the way you hurt me and tried to hurt my baby." I said looking at her with anger.

I came close to her, furrowing my eyebrows as Freya threatened to merge. "No one.... And I mean NO ONE! Puts my baby in danger. Especially some wolfless bitch like you." I said, seething as I glared at her.

Her body shook in anger, fisting her hands as she stood tall. "I will get out one way or another and when I do," she says, making me turn to her angrily. She launches at me again and this time, I've had more than enough.

I block her hand as she throws a punch and hit her hard on her jaw with my elbow, kick her on her stomach with my knee, and kick her again on her face as she goes down.

"Try Me, bitch! And next time, I won't be so nice. If you EVER get lucky enough to get out, believe me, I will be the first... and last thing you ever see." I say as she groans in pain on the ground.

She groans, holding her stomach and slithering from one side to the other as the snake that she is. 

"Lock her up in section four. And don't give her food until tomorrow." I said walking away from her. I can hear her yelling all sorts of profanities and fighting with the guards as they apprehend her and take her way.

I could have killed her and made her life a living hell by torturing her. But I am not her. I will not be as evil and sadistic as she was with me. She should feel lucky that I am letting her live. No one puts my baby's life in danger. No one. And because she dared to do so... I will make sure that she gets a reminder each day of WHO she dared to mess with.

I am Olivia Dannelly, Luna of the Wolves of the Dark Moon. I will not only protect my pup, but I will protect every member of my pack from whoever I need to; Including snakes like Leah and Noah. They don't know the real me, but they soon will find that messing with me was the worst decision they ever made.


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