Walk The Walk

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I smiled brightly as Ricky and I walked hand in hand inside the dining room. Everyone clapped as we made our way inside as the newlyweds. I couldn't help but blush. I wasn't used to this kind of treatment. I sometimes still worry I might be dreaming, which, I honestly hope I never wake from.

"Luna Olivia, Alpha Ricky, this way, please!" Tate says as he sees everyone gathering around and hugging us. The visiting alphas and lunas couldn't help but awe at how loving our pack was being with us. Yet- I couldn't help but notice that Leah and Evelyn were sitting down, irritated and rolling their eyes as if feeling disgusted.

I had to say, I was enjoying it. Not because I was being treated like a celebrity in my own pack, but because I was now at Leah's level... Maybe higher. And there was nothing she could do about it.

We went around saying our fellow to everyone, including the visiting Lunas and their mates. But the more we went around, the more we became crowded. So, we finally made our way and sat at our table.

But as we sat and had our plates served, I couldn't help but feel something was off and so did Ricky.

I looked around and notice my girls that were working on the kitchen today were stressed out. I mind-linked one of them, Chrissy. She was one of the youngest, and I wanted to make sure they were alright. "Chrissy... Is everything alright? I sense a bit of stress with you guys." I asked, concerned by their appearance. "I guess. Ok, no, not really... Luna, that redhead, and the girl with the dirty blonde hair. I know the redhead is a Luna and we're supposed to be courteous with them, but they are getting on our last nerves. They have been rude to us since the moment they came in, barking orders at us and being so fucking rude." she says, making me aware that my premonition was correct.

Chrissy rarely cursed, so if she was cursing now, it just meant that she was past her limitations. The last I wanted was to make them feel unease while they did us the favor in serving everyone.

Obviously, Leah was at it again, trying to boss everyone around here. But she was wrong. There is no way in hell I was going to let her get away with it. There's no way in hell I will let her boss my girls around. "Chrissy, I am so sorry honey. Don't worry about it. I will take care of it, I promise." I say, making her sigh. She walks toward the kitchen, but Evelyn snaps her fingers at her, making me growl.

Ricky notices, grabbing the napkin and wiping his lips as he eyes their way. He catches on, and grabs my hand, squeezing it lightly to calm me down. "Relax, baby. I have an idea. If you're up for it." he asks, making Margot and I look at him curiously. He's got a mischievous smile, making the side of my lips tug into a partial smile.

"I'm listening," I replied, letting him grab my hand as he places a kiss on my knuckles. "Me too. I'm in." Margot adds, making him chuckle. "Ok, but I don't want trouble with Zane," he says, making Margot chuckle. "You won't," she adds, making us look at each other mischievously.

"It's obvious Luna Leah and her little friend need a taste of humbleness. Why don't we make them part of our training today? You can include that other girl, Evelyn in the rat race. I think they will do just fine for practice today, wouldn't you agree?" he adds, making Margot's eyes light up with joy. "Oh, this I have to see. I am definitely skipping class today. I'm in too. I haven't practiced with the Warriors since two months ago. They will be surprised at how I've improved."

Ricky gave the heads-up to the other girls, making them aware of what was going on. I was not the only one who are overprotective of the younger girls, but the female warriors as well. They especially take care of the young omegas and make sure they are over-protected. Ricky always has a saying, the pack is only as strong as its weakest member, and he was right. We make sure that they are all trained and ready to fight, but we especially take care of the weaker links in our pack.

Leah was ready to leave after she had satisfied her stomach, but not before she had completely pissed me off because of the way she was treating my girls. Still- I managed to suck it up and let my pack know of our plan through our mind link. Otherwise, I think there was more than one other girl that would have gone and ripped their hair out or cursed them out for the way they were talking to Chrissy and the other omegas.

"Leaving the dining room so soon?" I asked as Ricky and I walked hand in hand the same way as them. "Ah, yes. I figured we went for a walk after a hearty breakfast. Again, thank you for your hospitality alpha Ricky, we"

"Alarick. It's Alpha Alarick to you, Leah." I said, growling as she dared to call him by his nickname. "Right. Thank you for your hospitality, alpha Alarick. It has been marvelous. And the room you chose, wow."

"No, no. It was all my wife. She's the boss here. Anything that needs to be taken care of in this pack house or around is all her. All I do is sign the checks and look cute in a tie." he says, making me chuckle. "Well, I just wanted to say thank you. It's... I hope you don't mind me asking, but I thought you would still be angry with Olivia about... You know... Last night's incident."

"Me? Bothered with Livie over some dumb guy who rejected her? Of course not. He did me the biggest favor in the world. I mean look at her. She's the best most beautiful, smartest, and strongest girl I have ever met. The only thing that argument did was make me rip that dress off of her and claim her as mine over and over again." he says, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my mark.

I couldn't help but let out a soft moan in front of them. I don't know where Ricky is getting at, he knows this always turns me on, but right now is not the time.

Leah and Evelyn are throwing daggers at me as Ricky stares lovingly at me, making me bite my bottom lip. "Stop it. You're making me blush." I say making him chuckle. Freya on the other hand is laughing away in my head. She is too damn sassy for her own good, and I think she got even sassier when she met Black. It was like a huge blast of confidence for her, and I can't blame her, Black and Freya are the perfect couple.

"Anyways, Leah, Evelyn," I say, looking sternly at the two. They both faked a smile and tilt their head. "I wanted to invite the two of you to train with us this morning. What do you say?" I ask, making them look at each other.

"Well, thanks, but, we already made plans."

"Nonsense, it's still early. Besides, all the other lunas and their maddens will be there. It would be a bit awkward if only the silver moon luna is a no-show for our training. Wouldn't you agree?" Margot adds as she comes from behind us, wrapping her arm over my shoulders.

Leah grunts slowly, and Evelyn looks pissed off, but they have no choice now. And now- it's time for a little fun of our own as a thank-you for treating my girls wrong. "I suppose we could go," Leah adds, making Evelyn growl slowly.

"Good. I mean, you are the best of the best in your pack from what I hear, right? It's time to show them what you got. True warriors walk the walk, not just talk the talk, right?" Margot adds, making me snicker inwardly.

"You know, you are so right about that. Your Luna should know. She had a taste and a great view of our skills. Right, Olivia? She says, trying to intimidate me. But I was too worked up.

Ricky held my hand, tightening his hand on me a bit. "Right. I guess you got me there. I guess it won't be a surprise if you leave me far behind on the obstacle course. Maybe we can even sprawl for old-time sake. Wouldn't that be a sight?" I say, making Leah chuckle.

She has no idea I have been trained, and by the best our pack has to offer. I will not let her words get to me. It's time they see the real me, and I take a stand for my girls in the way they treated them. Leah will pay back for every time she has hurt me, and for the way she talked to my girls. Now the question is, can she walk the walk? Or is she all just talk?


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