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Third Person POV

Now the question still stands. Who was that mystery woman our beloved king saw back there in that hotel? Was it Livie? Was it Leah? Could it be that after nearly seven years of turning eighteen, he had finally met his mate? Perhaps a long-lost sister, or... just a girl he so damn well admired by her courage, he longed to see again...

Whoever it was, all he could do was run away to safety. Those eyes looked ever so innocently back at him every time he closed his eyes. Her sweet smile gave out vibes of innocence, pure innocence in her heart for sure. But the scar on her neck... he knows it was inevitable.

He was just too young to protect her back then, but he remembered vividly just as if it had happened yesterday... the way he cried out for her to run that day. If he was only as powerful as he is today.


Perhaps his Mom would still be alive. He wouldn't have undergone the agony of seeing his poor innocent little sister be slashed across her neck by that menacing rogue. It took all of his power to stay awake that day and tell her to run. He swore no words came out no matter how hard he cried for her, but still... he had to warn her. 'RUN! Run, Liv!"

It had been years since our handsome king shed a single tear. But... as much as he fought it, the tears began to flow. The knot in his throat only added to his excitement. 'Why the hell did I run back there? I should have told her. I should have hugged her. Goddess..." he thinks to himself as he stops running, he bent down and places his hands over his knees as he cried ever so sorrowful, it hurt his insides.

The agony. The heartache. The pain. -The excitement.

'She is so beautiful, mom. She's so damn beautiful." he says, looking up at the night sky, dressed in stars. "She looks just like you!" he adds, dropping to his knees and crying.

"No. I need to go back. I have to. She... She needs to know the truth. But what if... what if she also thinks I'm dead? What will she say? What will she think when she knows? She didn't even recognize me back there, did she?" he says as the happy tears suddenly began to fill with sorrow.

She is so close. Alive and well. Yet- he had never felt farther away from her. Livie was alive. All this time, she was alive. Noah lied, again. He said she was dead, she had killed herself after she thought her entire family had vanished and that she was too much of a coward to live.

Why didn't he ever see her though? Was Noah keeping her away purposely from them, so that the times he was able to penetrate their walls and attack them, he failed to see her? Maybe the girl that the young woman he had rescued from Noah's dungeon... they had talked about a young girl that was always tortured but was untouchable to the rest of the men that went in there.

"He needs to know. My mentor needs to know. He'll know what to do." he says, talking to himself and mind-linking his mentor.

"Wes... we have a situation. I found her. I found my sister, call off the attack for tonight. Call the attack off, my sister is Alarick's mate, we can't hurt her." he says, turning around, his ego getting a boost of faith he so badly needed.

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