Skylar's Big Ceremony

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Third Person POV

Livie is dragged out of the dungeon by a guard and Gunther, followed by Skylar and his dad, alpha Noah Morrison. Her body is filled with bruises, blood, and evidently a few broken bones.

Though Skylar can care less about what has happened to her, he is pissed off. She is supposed to leave tomorrow morning as one of the peace offerings to the Dark Moon. If things don't work out accordingly, he and his dad will not be able to talk the Dark Moon alpha into protecting them.

He's never been scared of a fight, but he knows he will not be able to fight off another intrusion by the rogue king. He's already killed half of the pack. They are vulnerable, and another attack may extinguish whatever is left of the group.

"Why the hell didn't you listen to me and left it for me to handle? We have visiting packs, why the hell would you make a damn scene like this?" Skylar glared at Leah as she walked to the opposite side of them. She was obviously coming back from having a nice iced coffee with her friends.

Who knows how long Livie had been left unconscious? If it wasn't for Gunther, who tried to drag her out on his own without being seen, the primords would have seen what had happened, and the deal would have been off before they could propose their part.

"I'm sorry. I had to teach her a damn lesson. She needs to know who Luna is going to be. Besides, why do you even care if they see? They are fearless, they probably would have enjoyed the scene." she says unbothered, placing her hand on her hip and flipping her hair.

"Leah, seriously... Use your damn mind. These packs are not to be taken lightly. If we fuck up, we are done for. If they refuse to protect us, no one else will. Everyone but them are scared of the rogue king. No one has ever stood a chance other than these two packs." he says, gripping her arm, whispering.

"But, they have to aid us. Don't they? It's their obligation. That's why the king sent them today. To make a treaty with us." she says, baffled and looking at Alpha Morrison and Gunther. They both look at each other annoyed and nod their head.

"Leah, you've been too busy reading your stupid magazines and eating at too many fancy restaurants to see the true gravity we are in. Do you not get that our pack numbers have gone to less than half? Do you think our numbers can outdo the rogue king by ourselves?" he says, pinching the curve of his nose.

"Ok, I get it. But, what does that have to do with the mutt?" Leah asks, looking at a still half-conscious Olivia. "BECAUSE... She's leaving as one of the slaves we are offering them tomorrow, ok?" he says, making her eyes widen.

"Wait. What?" Alpha Morrison asks, standing in front of Skylar. Skylar sighs, closing his eyes in irritation. "Who the hell gave you the authority to do that? I told you she was a no-go." he blurts out, making Skylar growl and fist his hands. "As of tonight, I am the alpha, whether you like it or not. If I say she goes, SHE goes. And there is nothing any of you can do a damn thing about it."

Alpha Alarick (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now