You'll Always Be A Nobody

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"Why are you letting them take you there again? Liv, do something. Tell them it wasn't us." Freya yelled in my head as I filled with anger. Gunther pulled me by my arm, making me stumble. But he jolted me up, keeping me from falling on my face. I could only hear the laughter of onlookers as we made our way down to the dungeons.

How could they believe her? I haven't done anything. I have never stolen anything... Well... Besides bread, that's only when I couldn't take the hunger I felt anymore. How much more mistreatment or torture can they possibly do to me? I mean I'm about to leave this damn pack thanks to Skylar. Why are they so bound in hurting me? Do they really hate me this much?

"Freya shut it. You'll only make things worse." I linked back to my wolf as I struggled to get down the dungeon's steps. Beta Gunther nodded to a guard, making him open one of the doors, and then tossed me inside the cell. The same cell I had long learned to loathe.

This place had a thick stench of rotten flesh, feces, and old vomit that always made me feel sick to the stomach. This was the same place where I had seen Alpha Morrison do gruesome things to rogues and take advantage of girls they had captured as rogues. Things...I wish I could have never seen it, but I can still see it vividly as if it had just happened. I remember their cries and pleas for him and his beta to stop.

What's worse is that many in our pack knew about his actions, but they preferred to turn a blind eye.

And I knew, if I ever spoke out, I could end with the same fate as one of those girls. What they do to me, the way they treat me is nothing compared to how they torture those girls. I feared that one of these days...I could end here, and meet the same fate as them. I'd be beaten, molested, and left for dead.

"Please... No. No. Don't leave me here, I swear I didn't do it. You have to believe me." I cried, as I got off the floor and went to grab the bars. The silver around each bar burnt my skin, making me wince as I quickly let go of the bars.

Beta Gunther pinches the curve of his nose and sighed. "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" he began with a whisper, ending in a roar as his eyes darkened. I was filled with fear, backing away from him.

"I don't give a rat's ass if you did it or not. I'm simply following orders, GOT IT? So why don't you do me a favor and SHUT YOUR MAW." he yelled, making me flinch.

He tosses the keys to a thin silhouette to his right side and nods, and I'm bewildered, should I be worried? Most likely.

"She is all yours now. Remember, what Alpha Morrison said, don't kill her, or we'll both be in big trouble," he says, making my heart beat faster. "Liv, what's happening? What's going on?" my wolf Freya asks, sensing my fear. She growls as we get hit by the scent of Leah and her goons.

"I told you I'd deal with you later, you stupid pathetic mutt," Leah says as she tosses the keys to one of the other she-wolfs with her. The blonde girl locks the door behind them, and she, along with the other three enters my cell.

The three grab me, making sure to get a good hold of me. I try to escape, and resist, but to no avail. "L- Leah, please. You don't have to do this. I swear, I didn't steal anything. I would never,"

"Do you really think this is about the stupid earrings?" she says, chuckling. Then, I feel it. The first blow to my stomach, made me hunch over in pain as I cough. "Did you really think," she says as she takes another blow at me, hitting me on my ribs?

"That I didn't know Skylar was your mate?" she says, making my eyes widen. She begins chuckling in disbelief.

"Oh my goddess," she says laughing. "Girls... She... She really thought Skylar would choose her." she says, pointing at me and making the other girls burst into laughter. "Look at you! You're a nobody. You will always be a nobody, and no one, but I mean no one will ever want you. Do you really think you can ever compare yourself to me? A top warrior, strong, brighter, and worthy of the Luna title. You will always be scum. And I will make sure that even if I can't make you stay to make your life hell," she says getting closer.

Her hand grips my hair tighter. My eyes fill with tears and Freya whimpers. This is a whole new level of humiliation. How could he tell her? I get it, he didn't want me, but did he have to tell her I was his mate, and he rejected me? Why? Why did he have to be so cruel?

"I will make sure that I send someone else to shit on you every chance they get and there is nothing you or anyone else can ever do about it," she says as she yanks my hair downward.

"What did I ever do to you? Why do you hate me so much? I have never done a thing to you." I dared to say, making her turn toward me. She glares angrily and comes back. She strikes me on my left cheek harshly, making my head turn. I can feel the sting, making my eyes watery.

"You exist. And that is enough for me to hate you. You should have been the one who died that day, not Brandon. He..." she pauses, fisting her hands and clenching her jaw.

Leah and I were easily the same age. How could she know.... Or remember my brother? And what did all this have to do with me and her?

"I'm done here. Give this mutt a good thank you for my earrings, will you girls?" she says, gesturing to the other three girls. And that's where it gets worse.

All of them start to beat me. They kick me continuously, punch me wherever they can, and even scratch me on my already bruised body.

All I can do is fall into a ball, protecting my head as I take every hit until they've had enough. I can't help but cry out in pain. I can faintly see someone coming, making the girls leave before I pass out, and I'm taken to my place of peace, my dreams.


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