Obsession 🔞

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There is only a thin line between love and obsession

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There is only a thin line between love and obsession.

A very thin line that is often torn when the flames of love begin to burn green and dry.

Many people confuse obsession for love, simply because obsession is the result of strong love, a strong infatuation, that at a certain unknown point, and due to some various motives, turns into something far away from that innocent and pure feeling every human being wish to experience.

Just like the cycle of life, being born, growing, aging, and finally dying.

Obsession is the final stage in the life of love, when it ages, becomes vulnerable, and struggles with an incurable disease that leads to death.

Seokjin fell into that exact trap, he loved you way more than you did, his love for you began before you could settle your feelings toward him, he enjoyed watching you having fun with your friends, your laughter was his daily dose of serotonin, even though you considered him only a friend a bit longer than he would have liked for it to be the case, he never lost hope nor he ever forced his self on you, he was patient, until the feelings in his heart became suddenly reciprocated.

You were the first to confess your feelings, and he couldn't be thankful enough for the odds and the fate that brought you together, his feelings were honest and so were yours, everything was as smooth as anyone would have wished for a relationship to be, everything seemed like a movie.

But a malfunction happened at a certain point, and it was one caused by the intrusion of another human being.

Jungkook was like those vipers that hide their selves within the bushes, those are usually very poisonous and very talented in changing their skin to adapt to their environment.

Jungkook was against your relationship with Seokjin from the beginning, he was clear about his point of view and he shared it with you many times, you just didn't take him seriously, nor did you care much about his opinion.

However, the more you ignored him, the keener he grew to destroy your happiness, he just couldn't cope with the smile that kept being plastered over your face on a daily basis, your face was shining brightly from the bliss you were living with your husband, he didn't like that.

He started nagging about some deal that needed to be executed for the profit of the company, as you went through the documents that explained the details of it, you declined without even giving it further thoughts.

" That cannot be done, I'm sorry"

"Y/N, its work, you cannot bring your personal life here"

" I'm maintaining professionalism here, but what you are asking me to do is out of the line"

The way you left his office slamming the door behind you, made him realize that he needed to convince you involving other ways, nothing mattered anymore, not even friendship held power over the greed that was consuming him.

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