Year One: The Tower

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When the hat yelled Gryffindor, light suddenly hit her eyes and she was blinded for a moment, but as she came around, naturally she found her sister standing up clapping her hands. The reddest hair in the crowd.

As quickly as she could, Daisy jumped off the stool and ran to where Bilius and the other prefect stood to greet her.

"Welcome newbie!" Bilius gave a high five.

"I'm Eleanor and this is Bilius, we'll be your fifth year prefects for the year!" A girl with golden eyes shook her hand. Daisy had already met Bilius before the train here.

"Have a seat! Get ready to meet your other housemates." He said.

But she was the first!

Watching the other first years join their houses, Daisy saw a small boy with dark skin and kinky hair jump onto the stool.

"Hi, I'm Daisy, nice to meet you." He was the first Gryffindor boy to be sorted, and he must have been feeling nervous about who he would be sharing a house with. Daisy wanted to come off as welcoming as she could, hoping that this year round she would successfully gain more friends than she had in primary school...


Before she could talk a little more, she was interrupted by the year above her, Lily's year. Though it wasn't Lily who was first to talk.

"I knew you'd be a Gryffindor the day I met you! Did you hear me when your name was called?!"

"Wha-" the very loud 'Whoop! Whoop!' That sent all her blood rushing to her cheeks when her name was called, it had belonged to James Potter, the boy from the bank. "Oh yeah- I think everyone did."

"Excellent!" He celebrated.

Beside him, she almost thought that the boy Regulus, who had been sorted into Slytherin, had made his way to the opposite table, but it wasn't him at all, though they looked very similar indeed. Same curly hair, yet this boys was a little longer, no freckles grazed his cheeks, though they were high.

"Good job Daisy." She heard Lily, and to see her smile was wonderful, especially after this summer. Hardly a crack was seen in their dimly lit house even considering the sunshine beaming outside. Little Cokesworth looked just as good as London. Until winter comes around, then it's back to a dull lonely town full of seagulls.

    She'd enjoy her time in this spectacular castle for sure.

Surrounding Lily was what seemed like her group. A cool looking girl sat crisscrossed on the bench had long blonde shiny hair and blue eyes, another with golden eyeshadow which complimented her dark complexion, and then a smaller girl with short wavy hair that looked like a mouse with her close together features. She didn't know their names unfortunately, Lily hadn't talked about her friends during the holidays, but hopefully she'd get the know them.

The sorting went on, watching every first year take their first step into becoming one with Hogwarts. Another boy with orange hair and half rimmed glasses plopped himself down beside Theodore, a goofy grin on his face.

    "Wow! Gryffindor! I don't know what that means but great!"

    Then Heather was called to the stool, and the cool girl sitting beside Lily had her eyes locked on her and her fingers crossed tightly. When the hat yelled Gryffindor, the girl leapt out her seat.

    "THREE FOR THREE! THREE FOR THREE!" She chanted and Heather ran over to join her new housemates.

    "Marlene!" She hissed embarrassed, hiding her red face in her hair.

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