Christmas 1972: The Potter's Party

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This New Year's Eve Daisy was brushing her hair in preparation to going to the Potter's house. Pleating it down the back which was rather difficult not having eyes on the back of your head.

    Her outfit was a brown plaid pinafore fitted with caramel colour buttons and matching belt over a black turtleneck.

    Her braid swooped over one shoulder.

    It was almost time for the Potters to appear inside her house, and she was very excited to use the fly powder.

    There was a knock on her door and Lily poked her head inside her room to ask, "Are you ready?"

    Lily had chosen to wear a white floral blouse and black skirt for her evening. The two girls also had matching Mary Jane shoes on. The ones they used for school but could also be used for parties seeing as they went with all of her dresses.

    "I'm nervous to go." Lily fretted sitting herself down on Daisy's bed.

   "Why's that?" They had been to parties before for New Years Eve, she was feeling a little more excited about this one however. The party was going to be filled with wizards!

    "Well... Severus won't be happy at all if I go. I don't want him to be mad at me."

    Daisy had to force her to look straight instead of rolling to the back of her head. "Y'know Lily... if Severus doesn't want you spending a nice and fun time with your family, then maybe you're worrying about the wrong people." She shrugged. "We would like you to come. The Potter's would like you to come. Besides it's only for one night, you don't even have to tell him you went if it's that bad."

    Lily was fidgeting with the hem of her skirt while staring down at her shoes. Whether she was really listening or not, Daisy didn't know.

    "At least Remus will be there." She heard Lily mumble to herself.

    "Oh- isn't James bringing his girlfriend or something? Maybe you can be her friend?" Daisy suggested.

    "No thanks, I know her already." Daisy didn't miss the faint sound of disappointment.

    "Just think about New Years then, and the food. I bet the Potter's will have a big Hogwarts feast."

    "Maybe..." Lily hummed.

    It wasn't at all an interesting conversation, it was a time passer. Lily was swinging her legs at the end of her sisters bed just saying whatever popped into her head, and Daisy would hum, nod, or give a short answer while playing with her hair.

    "Ready girls? The Potters will be here in a few minutes." Lily tensed and let out an anxious groan once Mr Evans entered the room. She followed her fathers out of their room while Daisy began talking to Sandy.

    "We won't be gone forever Sandy, just for tonight." She said filling a bowl of nuts for her owl to keep in her cage while they were gone.

    Sandy was still hostile. She perched at the back of the cage and had nipped Daisy quite a few times after having tried patting her.

    And with that, she left.

    Entering her living room, Daisy saw her mother pinning Petunia's hair back, and Lily who was rocking back and forth on her heels while staring at the fire.

    "Seven o'clock!" Mr Evans cheered joining his family. "Stand back and give them room to come in." He shooed the girls towards the back of the couch.

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